The Night I Shouldn't Have Gone Out

Chapter 16

Billie called his mother and told her to watch Jakob. I was empty, I lost my son. Billie called the police and they said they would do everything they could. Joey was all over the news. My son, why would he take him, what is he doing to him? I sat on the bed crying. I was filled with anger. I have to find him, I can't let him get away with this. I'm just praying and hoping that Joey will be alive next time I see him. I soon fell asleep into another nightmare with Billie Joe at my side.

Joeys POV

" head," I squinted my eyes, it was dark, and smelt bad. I couldn't see anything, "where am I?" I asked out into the darkness. I heard a chuckle. Why am I here?
What's going to happen to me? I'm just to young for this.

"I told your sweetheart of a mother she better beware." I heard the voice say from ahead of me. By now I'm shaking, scared, crying, and numb. I can't feel anything other than the cold metal chair I'm sitting against and the tight, rough ropes around my hands and feet. I want my mother and my father. Why am I even going through this, wasn't I with Jessica, laughing and smiling. I started crying uncontrolably and everything went blurry.

"Don't worry son, I won't do anything to bad to you. Well, maybe. Depends if your a good little boy." The person on the other side of the darkness said with a loud chuckle I will never forget. All i could do was pray, 'Please god I'm too young. Pleas help me.'

Adies POV

I woke up the next morning. I had another nightmare, I think it gave me a hint on where my son might be. I had to go and check and make sure. I woke Billie up. He was so cute when he was asleep and I was tempted to just stay there but it was my time to get up and take care of this myself. The police are taking to long. I need to end this now. I got up and dressed in all black. The anger I'm feeling right now has overcome me. He can take me, hurt me, but he cannot take my son. That's where I draw the line. I put my hair up and looked in the mirror. I stared at the reflection that was filled with anger and sadness. I looked over to my sleeping husband that wouldn't wake up if his life depended on it. This was something I had to do alone. I left a note on the counter saying what I was going to do. I got my keys, got in the car, and headed to this place that was in my dream that would hopefully lead me to my oldest son.

Five minutes later I reached it. I had my cell phone in my left pocket and had a gun in the belt of my pants. I sat in the car and breathed heavily. This is it. No turning back now, I need to get my son. I stepped out of the car and went up to the door. I gently leaned against it to see if I could hear anything. I heard some mummbling and a scream. That's him! It's Joey! I crashed the door open and ran through. It was dark, cold, and smelt awful. I saw Joey bound to a chair by rope. He look awful. My phone was open and calling 911 in my pocket. I knew they could hear everything. Only now I could hope that hearing nothing was convincing them to track the call and come down to who the hell knows where I am. I got closer to Joey and he turned his head.

His whole head was bleeding and he had stains of tears running down his young but simple face. He had worry in his eyes and they were as gray as concrete. I could tell it hit him that I was actually there, that I wasn't just a dream in the shadows.

"Mom.." he tempted to say but his voice was cracking.

"Joey, don't speak," I whispered. I took a good look around adn I was right. This was the place in my dream. An arm wrapped around my waist and I screamed until a hand came over my mouth.

"Hey beautiful, I knew you would come. You can't live without your baby boy," the man said and laughed pulling me back and slamming me onto a cold metal chair. "don't worry honey, everything will be fine." he tied me with rope across from Joey. He started crying and I shushed him. My phone was vibrating in my pocket and I knew it was Billie.
'Why arn't the cops here yet?' I thought, this isn't right. I heard another car pull up outside and I looked out the tinted window. It was dark and windy out. the car was a green color. Right after that a black BMW pulled up. Wait, that's Billies car!

I sat there watching and saw that Billie got out and was right behind the guy who had the green car. I saw him bang the back of his head and fell to the ground gushing blood. My eyes widen and I saw the man who has been stalking me this whole time run to the door.

"What the hel-" he started but got smashed in the head. Billie came rushing in and untied me first and then Joey. I held onto Joey for dear life, my oldest son was now in my arms. Bille grabbed my arm signaling to get up. We looked around and there was blood all over the walls along with bodies. I couldn't help but think what kind of perso could do this. By the time we got outside the cops pulled up and we told them the entire story. They had the entire area taped off and had both men in custody. I pointed to which one has been tormenting me, along with my family, the entire time.

The Police took us on a tour of where we were tied. Me and Billie were lead into a room while Joey was in one of the poilce cars. Billie pointed to the wall over to his right and I noticed a long piece of paper.

1. Alex
2. John


I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Look at all those people who died. But why were we on there? I just don't understand and I don't think I want to. He killed 8 people. I was overwhelmed. I'm just glad that we were all ok. It turned out that the poilce only found half the bodies that were mutalated. They were all peacefully burried and put to rest.

The next few weeks I got letters from the families from the four bodies and the other four. They were all thank you letters for finally finding who the killer was. Me, Billie, Joey, and Jakob returned home safely and we finally felt safe. We heard later that day that, this so called man Randal, is now in jail for life term. For some reason I still didn't feel like it was over, but for now it was. For now we were safe for awhile.
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Ok so I'm still thinking if I should continue it or to stop it and start a sequel. I have a somewhat good start for a sequel. But it all depends on how many comments I get. Please leave one and tell me what you think. Also if you could tell people to read I would really apprieciate it!!!! :]