The My Chemical Romance Study Guide

ThermocheMCR: Chapter 2

Suddenly, an equation appeared before them!

ImageH=Hp - Hr

“What does it mean?” asked RayToro as TheFrankIero ran into the fire and danced around happily, playing guitar like he was having a seizure.

“Heat of product minus heat of reaction,” said Mikey, suddenly putting on his glasses and becoming incredibly smart. “TheFrankIero has a split personality. Probably many. Like ImageH=Hf - Hi.”

“That’s weird,” said Ray.
ImageH is that whole f - i thing. Kind of like…AFI. ImageFI. I love it.

There was a random graph shpeal taking up half the page of notes. We’ll call it the giraffe shpeal. Basically, ImageFI loves animals. All you need to know about this graph (giraffe) is that the arrow thingy goes between the two lines. No higher or lower. Got it, zombie squirrel?

ImageSee that line there? The one with the arrows on each end? Yeah. That’s TheFrankIero1. He says hi. This is an endothermic reaction. If you were to take that straight-then-wavy-then-straight-again line and turn it backwards but keep the words in the same places, you’d have an exothermic reaction. Joy. But since Mikey’s a pyro we’d better stick to this kind.
We’ll deal with Hess’s Law another day, because it is evil. In fact, it’s SO evil that we dare not speak its name, and will henceforth refer to it as The Law of Panic! At The Disco, for they too are evil.
So after they pulled TheFrankIero1 out of the fire, much to his dismay, they began a search for Mikey’s brother, Gerard. But his real name was ImageG. ImageG was living in the land of entropy. Entropy was disorder. ImageG loved disorder. In fact, he loved disorder so very much that he created a world called Entropy that is just full of disorder. Everything in it tried to become more disorderly. Everything was backwards, so we’ll call it Backwards Land.

In Backwards Land (the land of ImageG), being more chaotic was a positive (+) thing, and being more organized was considered a negative (-) thing. There were two driving forces in Backwards Land. TheFrankIero (ImageH), who had since gained control of his multiple split personalities, was one of these things. The other was Brianthemanager, known to his friends as
ImageS. His last name started with an S, so he decided that’s how he would spell his name. ImageS. (Come on, give me some credit me here, this is not nearly as easy as it looks!)

“Gerard!” shouted Mikey as he tackled his brother.

“Mikey!” shouted TheFrankIero as he tackled Mikey who had tackled his brother.

“TheFrankIero!” shouted Brianthemanager as he tackled TheFrankIero who had tackled Mikey who had tackled his brother.

“This is retarded,” said RayToro, shaking his head sadly. Bob agreed.

In Backwards Land, running downhill (downhill energy) and chaos and madness (more disorder) were favored. TheFrankIero and Brianthemanager decided to play along and suddenly looked like this:

TheFrankIero=-ImageH (downhill energy)
Brianthemanager=+ImageS (more disorder)

And ImageG was very happy because both happened at once. When ImageG was happy, his reactions suddenly became very spontaneous. Jumping out of moving taxis and such. But the evil twins of TheFrankIero and Brianthemanager, Brendon of P!ATD and their manager-who-probably-doesn’t-exist-or-is-nameless, appeared in the forms of:

Brendon=+ImageH (uphill energy)
m-w-p-d-e-o-i-n=-ImageS (less disorder)

They loved climbing uphill in the middle of summer - and since Brendon was from Vegas he was used to 120° F weather - and being very neat and tidy. In other words, they did not belong in Backwards Land (Entropy)! ImageG (Gerard) immediately became very depressed upon their arrival, and his reactions became much less spontaneous. No more jumping out of moving taxis for him. TheFrankIero and Brianthemanager didn’t like seeing ImageG be depressed, because he started doing drugs. So to help break him out of it they started fighting Brendon and the Nameless Manager!

“Brianthemanager, duck!” yelled TheFrankIero. Brianthemanager immediately fell to the ground to avoid being hit by something, but TheFrankIero merely stared at him like he was crazy.

“Is it safe yet?” asked Brianthemanager, narrowly avoiding being clobbered by the Nameless Manager.

“I was just saying there’s a duck right there, and it’s adorable,” said TheFrankIero. “I thought you might wanna know.”
“Aaah! What is this strange feathered creature?! Keep it away from me!” shouted Brendon, cowering beneath a randomly placed card table.

“It’s just a duck,” said RayToro in confusion.

“What’s a duck?” asked Brendon.

“One of many various classifications of water fowl,” said Mikey, who was very smart again. Brendon just looked at him weirdly.

“What’s water?”

Gerard smacked Brendon in the head before realizing something.

“Oh, I get it. You’re from Las Vegas. I forgot; you don’t know what water is. Sorry, my mistake,” said Gerard. Brendon was now unconscious, however, because he was a pansy who fainted when in the presence of ducks.