Bob and the Bumble Bee

Bob and the Bumble Bee

One day there was a little boy called Bob. He had no friends apart from a bumble bee, also called Bob. He played with Bob the bee all day and all night. But one day Bob the bee went off with Bob the leaf. Bob the boy was very sad and cried for forty days and forty nights.

He walked into the park one day and saw a boy with a very, very large afro that almost consumed his entire head. He walked up to the boy and poked him. The boy with the afro was busy playing with a twig, so Bob had to poke him again.

“Have you seen my bee and my leaf?” Bob asked. “They are both called Bob and they ran away forty days ago.”

“Yes.” Afro boy replied. “I saw them 39 days ago, they went that way.” Afro boy pointed in the direction.

“Thanks.” Bob said. “Have fun with your twig.”

Bob continued along his way until he got to a biiiiig sandbox. Should he cross it or not? There was another skinny boy with glasses sitting by it. He looked a little bit like a stick insect. The boy was playing with a toy rocket.

“Have you seen my bee and my leaf?” Bob asked. “They are both called Bob and ran away forty days ago.”

The boy looked up at him and gave Bob a big hug. His rocket fell to the floor and started talking.

“They went that way 25 days ago.” The rocket said, pointing across the sandbox.

“Yes.” Stick insect boy said. “I think they were eloping.”

Bob was sad and he trudged across the sand box. On the other side he found a boy with red and black hair. He was playing with a piece of grass. He kept sticking it up his nose and laughing.

“Have you seen my bee and my leaf?” Bob asked. “They are both called Bob and ran away forty days ago.”

“Yes, they went that way.” Grass boy pointed his piece of grass towards a football pitch. “It was about 14 days ago.”

“Ok, what do you think they were doing?” Bob asked the boy.

“I think the leaf was holding the bee hostage.” Grass boy said. “But I don’t know.” He thought for a minute. “In fact, I could have just made that up…”

Bob nodded and walked towards the football field. When he reached it he found a boy with longish black hair playing with lipstick. He was kind of weird and was drawing stuff on his face with lipstick.

“Have you seen my bee and my leaf?” Bob asked. “That are both called Bob and ran away forty days ago.”

“Yes, I drew on them.” The weird boy said. “They went that way.” He pointed to a mini wedding chapel with his lipstick. “It was yesterday.”

“Ok then.” Bob said, and walked over to the little building.

He peered inside and saw the bee and the leaf making out. The bee noticed the boy and flew out.

“It’s not what you think!” The bee said. “I, uhmm…” The bee gave up trying to think of excuses and stung Bob. Bob slapped it and squished it so it was a pulp. The leaf then died of shock.

All of the little boys from before gathered around Bob.

Bob awoke with a jolt.

“Whoa, guys!” He called to his friends. “I just had the weirdest dream.”

Frank turned around with a piece of grass up his nose and Ray twisted his fro round a twig. Gerard finished applying lipstick and Mikey put down his rocket.

“What was it about?” Gerard asked.

“The day we met.” Bob said. “Nothing much has changed.” He looked at the pot he kept the pulped up bee in along with the dead leaf. “I miss you guys.” He whispered to it.