Life Is Full of Surprises

'Jared is a lucky man'

The next morning I woke up with an arm around me 'What the heck is this?!' I looked and I saw two big icy blue eyes looking straight in my eyes.

“Jared?” I said half asleep.

“Morning Love. I just wanted to see you before I went to the set.” Jared said kissing me.

“Oh that’s sweet. And this means that it is extremely early right?” I said looking bored and sleepy

“Yeah, it’s 8 am. I’m going to leave my sleeping beauty in her sleep, see you later love.” Jared said laughing and kissing my forehead leaving the room.

2 hours later I woke up, I took a shower and I went to take breakfast. When I’m leaving the room I notice someone waiting in the elevator, I didn’t know who it was because he had a hoodie on and I couldn’t see his face.

“Morning Paty.” the man looked at me and I realized that he was Colin smiling.

“Morning Col. I didn’t even recognize you sorry. What are you doing here?” I asked entering the elevator with Colin

“I was waiting for you. I saw Jared and he told me that you were still sleeping and we have the same schedule today, so I waited for you.” He said smiling a little

“Oh that’s sweet, thanks.” I said looking at him has he blushed, which surprised me.

“Hey Collin, what his your first scene?” I asked him looking at my script after breakfast, has we were going to the set.

“My first scene is the one that I get the call that Rox was kidnapped. What’s yours Paty?” He asked

"Mine is with Johnny, the dad and daughter talk. But we have a scene together today. Oh the kissing scene. “ Has I said kissing he looked in my eyes and I looked at him.

“I’m not nervous about it. Are you?” Colin asked

“No, it’s my first ever kissing scene. And you being the typical gentleman worried about the stressed girl.” I said laughing has he just observed me. When we arrived the set I hugged Colin and I went to the dressing room.

I dressed and then I studied the scene one more time and then I made the scene between Rox and George, which came up very good. Then it was my scene with Colin and I was freaking out 'What now? WHAT NOW??? Oh god, I have to do this right, I said I would' That was my thought. Suddenly I felt a hand in my shoulder.

“Paty? Are you beginning to get nervous?” It was Johnny

“Yes, Johnny I am. In fact I’M FREAKING OUT. I know his Colin, he’s my friend but god I can’t stop thinking about the scene I want to do it right.” I said very stressed and with wide eyes.

“Calm down. Everything is going to be fine. You’re an actress and the scene could have more intimate moments. So calm down, you’ll make it. I know you will” Johnny said smiling confidently at me.

“You’re right, I will do it. Thanks” I kissed his cheek and I left for the set

“GO PATY!” He said from behind laughing leaving me laughing to.

“Paty, right on time. Collin’s getting dressed. Lay in the bed, please. He’ll enter the room and he will start kissing you and well let’s see where that leads.” Tim said trying to make me nervous.

“Alright. I’m ready” I said and then I lied in the bed. Moments later Tim shouted action, and Colin opened the door playing Alex.

He lied beside me, he hugged me and it started the kissing scene with some lines in the middle. Well Colin was taking it seriously so he turned the scene deeper until he was really in to it like I was. It was lasting so long until Tim shouted CUT! Then the scene ended and I just stared at him and he smiled. 'Gosh, that went fast' I thought then Tim called me

“Paty, I’m proud of you. The scene is great.” Tim said actually smiling

“Oh thank you. But you have to thank Collin too, he helped me a lot in the scene” I said looking for Collin who had just disappeared.

“Well I’m going to the hotel. It was my final scene for today. See you tomorrow Tim” I said waving

“Bye Paty.” Tim said going in to another set. I went to the dressing room to change to my clothes. When I came outside Collin was smoking. I looked at him he looked at me. I smiled

“See you tomorrow Col.” I said

“What about my good-bye hug?” He said pretending he was sad and then laughing

“Oh ok. You big baby” I hugged him laughing

“You like this big baby don’t you? He said naughty

“Well this big baby is really funny and I like being with him. But now I’m tired so see you tomorrow. Bye” And I went to the hotel sense I knew that he had more scenes.

“Paty!!! Wait. I forgot to give you something” Collin was running after me with some papers in his hand.

“Oh Col. What’s that?” I asked examining the papers.

Invitations for interviews. You’ll have to promote the movie. There’s TRL, Late night show with Conan O’Brien, Saturday Night Live and more.” Collin said resting from the big run he had

“Me? In those super famous shows? You know I’m terrible in that kind of stuff. I never went to any of those....” I said looking at the papers with wide eyes. Invites and more invites I was stunned.

“Of course, Paty. You are the main character, what were you expecting? But don’t worry just be yourself and I know everyone will love to meet you.” Collin said smiling

“Thanks Col. I don’t know if I’m ready for fame, but I’ll do it. See you at dinner. Bye” I hugged him and left with my I-pod.

I couldn’t stop thinking in the progress I had made. Some months ago I was just a Portuguese actress in London and now I’m making a super famous movie with big stars.. Suddenly a lot of paparazzi surrounded me, I just looked at them and I politely asked for them to move from my way, one of them said.

“This one is not a star yet. This means that we can sell her image and then when she’s famous we will get even more money” With that said all of them started to that pictures of me.

I just put my hoddie and I ran to the hotel as fast has I could. When I reached the hotel the securities didn’t let them pass. I went to my room to take a shower but my cell ringed it was my best friend Jo we talked for 2 hours. Then I took a shower and I went to the lobby where everyone was gathering for dinner

“Hi Paty. How did the scene go?” A happy Johnny asked

“Oh just perfect. It came out very natural.” I said smiling at him “ Have you seen Jared?” I asked him looking everywhere

“Oh luv don’t worry. He told me that he would be late he had something to do” Johnny said talking a little like Jack Sparrow

“Okay” I said laughing I just loved the Jack Sparrow accent

1 hour later Jared wasn’t back and I was starting to get sleepy

“Johnny I’m tired. I’m going to my room and please if you see Jared tell him that I need to speak with him”

“Okay Paty. Sweet dreams” He said smiling

“Thanks.” I said blushing a little and leaving. Suddenly a arm was placed around my shoulder. I looked it was Collin

“You look tired I’m taking you to your room or you may fell on the floor. Hard.” He said smiling very closely to me

“Wow I must look terrible for you to take me to my room.

"Thank you” I said looking directly into his eyes 'What is happening here?!' I thought. Then we reached my room and he just stared at me getting in.

“Hum Col do you need something before I close the door?” I said looking at him

“Jared is a lucky man” He said and then he just gave me a big smile and he pushed me inside and he closed my door. He then left and I dressed my PJ’s and went to bed.
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Thank you to all the people who have been reading this :D

This is my 'baby', the first story I ever wrote so many of you might see that my style as changed a lot sense I wrote the first part of this story and that the chapters are VERY small but this will get better as the story composes itself :D

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