Life Is Full of Surprises

California here I go

One thing that I and Johhny did all the time was to say Pirates of the Caribbean lines, I just loved to hang out with him, and he showed me everything. I just saw Jared 5 minutes each morning I was freaking out.

It’s 9:00 pm, dinner time and I was dressing to go down, I was especially tired, I did 4 scenes one with Jared but I couldn’t talk to him he was ‘busy’ now he was always busy. I was felling sad, tired but then I remembered Johnny and Damien. I really wanted to be with Damien and his brother Jack but I chose to go to L.A and I was starting to regret this choice, not for the movie but for what this was doing to me and Jared I was thinking until I realized it was late for dinner.

I went downstairs and well nobody was there 'Where is everyone? Is today Christmas and I forgot?' I was trying not to laugh at my own thoughts. Suddenly I felt an arm around my waist.

“Hi Paty. Wow this is empty.” A wet Collin said.

“Yeah your right. But I’m so hungry, maybe everyone is still working. What do you thing if we eat?” I asked looking at him

“Sure, let me just change my clothes and I’ll meet you here. I’m fast don’t worry” He said smiling and running to his room

10 minutes later, Collin was back and we had dinner. We talked, we laughed he was such a joker, so funny. Suddenly he was staring at me laughing.

“What Collin?” I asked trying to stop laughing.

“You look gorgeous, when you’re laughing like that” He said looking in my eyes and giving me a sweet smile.

“Oh, thank you” I said blushing witch made his smile even bigger

“Well it’s getting a little late for us.” He said

“Oh, god! It’s late, very late! Sorry Col, bed time” I said giving a clumsy smile, and giving him a kiss in the cheek leaving to my room running, leaving him looking to me with a face that looked like he had seen an angel.

I got to my room and I slept. Next Morning, I woke up and I had a shower. I dressed and I grabbed my I-pod and I went to the entrance to eat. I had breakfast and I left to the set. I had a busy day, no Johnny, no Collin and no Jared. 'Where are they?' I thought. Today was the last day of shooting and when it was over I gave Tim a hug and I thanked him for the amazing opportunity. When I was leaving to the hotel with a tear coming from my eyes my cell rang.

“Hello?” I said

“PATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you” An excited Shannon said

“Shannon!!!!!!! Where are you? What are you up to? I miss you”

“Ah the same Paty. Well I’m in California and I’m just taking some day to rest I’m with Tomo.”

“Oh that’s cool.” I said laughing

“Why don’t you join us? I can pick you up, and we have some vacations” He said.

“Well I have to talk to Tim and Johnny because we need to do the trailers together and take pictures for magazines, and interviews. I’ll call you when I know something ok?" I said

“Ok Paty. Kisses and behave.” Shannon said laughing

“Ok, big bro. Kisses for you and Tomo” I said hanging up.

I smiled at myself, It was so good to hear Shannon’s voice. He was definitely someone I could count on. But it was strange, the sudden invitation and he not mentioning Jared 'Something is wrong. I have to find it out' I thought.

When I entered the hotel Tim was there. I reached him.

“Hello again Tim” I said

“Oh hi there my wonderful little actress” He said smiling

“Look can I go to California for a while, for vacation with friends, or do you still need me now? I was planning to come back after.” I said a little nervous of his answer.

“I can give you 2 weeks, because that’s what I’m giving the others” He said reading some papers

“Oh, ok. Thanks. Oh and one more thing have you seen Jared?” I asked on purpose

“No, dear I haven’t” He said looking at me witch he didn’t had done yet

“Alright, Thanks and see you in 2 weeks.” I said smiling widely and waving, leaving him laughing a little at me. I called Shannon

“Yo big bro. I have 2 weeks” I said happily

“Paty, pack your things because tomorrow morning I will pick you up.” He said super happy

“Okay. Bye, see you tomorrow, Love bro.” I said

“Love, Paty” He said and I hanged up

I literally ran to my bag and I put everything there. I was so excited. 2 hours later I went down and I had dinner, for a change I wasn’t sleepy so I decided to stay outside by the pool listening to some music. Nobody was there so I was singing a little Paramore- That’s what you get. I just loved that song. Then I felt warm hands in my eyes.

“Beautiful voice” He sounded familiar

“Thank you” I said blushing

“Guess who” He said sounding playful

“Sorry, I have no idea” I said laughing

“Oh you don’t” And suddenly his hands left my eyes, and he started to tickle me and I was super ticklish. I start to laugh hard and then I realized that he was Shannon

“Shannon, STOP IT! PLEASE” I was begging while I was laughing

“In one condition, two kisses and then California!” He said

“Okay, Okay!” I stood and I kissed him and then I ran to pick up my bag. When I was supposed to meet Shannon, Collin appeared out of nowhere.

“Where are you going? He asked

“Friends house.” I answered

“Oh, okay. So see you in 2 weeks” Collin said and he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“Bye Col.” I said running and waving

“Finally Paty. Let’s go” Shannon said putting his arm around my shoulders, like if he was pushing me forward.

We walked silently to the car, I just wanted to ask him so much about Jared, but I didn’t know if I should. We entered the car and well 30 seconds to mars was on the radio I didn’t resist and I started singing, Shannon smiled and joined. In the end I was just staring at him and laughing. 'Should I ask him?' I though

“Patricia, I know you well enough to know that something is wrong.” Shannon said while driving very serious, not laughing anymore

“When you call me Patricia, it means that you’re really mad or really serious. And yes you know me to well” I said looking to the window not wanting to face him

“I’m with you for 1 hour, and we didn’t even talk about Jared yet or about the movie. What’s wrong?” He said

“Well…. I’m going to be true with you big bro. I love you, I love Tomo and I love Jared. But I don’t know what Jared feels for me, because we are getting apart each day that passes.” I was crying

“I just saw him 4 times because of the scenes we had together and on the time he introduced to Gerard Way” I was crying and looking at my own hands. Shannon pulled the car out of the road and looked at me. Then he hugged me tighly and whispered.

“I’m here for everything”

“I know. Thanks” I said hugging him back.

Then he whipped my tears away and smiled

“I’ve been talking to Jared everyday and one thing that I can tell you for sure is that he likes you so much never doubt that.” He said looking in my eyes

“I understand what you mean but trust me, you will understand everything in some time” And then he smiled, and I knew that that smile made everything better and safe. Shannon always protected me and I tried to do the same.

“If you say so, but Mr. Jared will have a lot to explain” I said pretending to be bossy and mad, witch made me and Shannon laugh. Suddenly I couldn’t control myself and I fell asleep.