Life Is Full of Surprises


Some time later I heard a sweet voice.

“Hi Paty. Please wake up.” The voice said putting me in his arms. I slowly opened my eyes, looking to the always sweet Tomo smiling

“TOMO!!!” I said hugging him while he just laughed

“You can put me down if you want” I said looking at Shannon who was just observing

“Oh, and what about if I don’t want to?” Tomo said smiling

“I would politely request for you to put me down, like now” I said looking at him seriously

“Okay, okay. I know you have a bad temper.” He said smiling nervously. I just grabbed his arm and I grabbed my bag and I went to Shannon’s house, and what a house, it was huge. 'Wow! These days are going to be awesome' I though.

I was looking everywhere for where my room would be Shannon seemed to understand so he pointed to the second floor.

“The third door to the left” He said going to the kitchen

“Paty, then meet us in the inside pool” Shannon yelled

“And where is that?” I asked yelling as well

“Go down the stairs next to the kitchen’s door.” Shannon yelled back.

“Okay, I’ll there in a minute” I said running to my room to dress the bikini.

5 minutes later I grabbed my towel and I went to the supposed stairs. Then when I came to the pool floor I was stunned, it’s was huge and it had a Jacuzzi. But I didn’t see Tomo or Shannon so I just dived in the water first. I swam and when I came up someone was getting in to the pool but I didn’t have time to figure out who it was. Suddenly someone pulled me to the water and kissed me while we were underwater 'What the hell is this??' I thought then I opened my eyes and I came to the surface for air. The man came to the surface too and I immediately recognized him, Jared. He looked at me with an amused face.

“Oh Mr. Jared Leto finally decided to show up.” I said leaving the pool

“Paty please.” He said grabbing me by the waist and hugging me

“Jared, stop it! What is happening with us?” I asked tears forming but I didn’t want to cry.

“Nothing is happening, you’re overreacting.” He said putting his hand in my cheek

“I love you” He said getting his face closer to mine, I could feel his breath.

“Wait” I got apart from him.

"Where were you for all of these days?” I asked looking him in the eyes

“I’ll show you” Jared said has he kissed me with full passion and pulled me to his arms. Then he grabbed a towel and he rapped his and my body together in the towel.

“This feels good” He said smirking

“Smarty pants” I said laughing which made him made his body even closer to mine. We were going towards the room in front of mine.

“Why are we going to that room?” I asked looking at him

“You’ll see” Jared said and he gave me another kiss finally we reached the room and he covered my eyes. Some minutes later my eyes were uncovered.

“Oh my god!” Was all that I could say as I looked to Jared who was smiling

“Did you do this?” I said while I was looking to the room, the walls had 30 seconds mars symbols, pictures of me and the guys and the color was a lot of blue shades, my favorite quotes of me and my friends and there was a painting in the wall of me, my portrait.

“You are amazing” I said looking at Jared and I just jumped at him and I kissed him.

“Just for you babe” He said looking deeply at me.

“I did it” He said pointing to the portrait

“I love it” I said looking to the portrait

“I think you’re more beautiful in real life” He said with a cutie face

“Oh thank you” I said smiling and tickling him.

“I love you” Jared said kissing me

“I love you too” I said kissing him again.

And I really meant it, I really knew what I felt, and Love was the only word that could describe my feelings right now. Well I was so surprised that I just kept staring at every corner of the room, and Jared was watching my every move completely amused.

“Stop staring” I said not looking at him and trying not to laugh, as he sat on the bed and kept staring

“Why? You know that I love seeing how you do things. You’re so perfect” He said still looking at me. I turned totally red.

“You really know how to make me feel embarrassed.” I said putting my head in my hands, like in a way hiding it from him. Jared came towards me and rested his arms around my waist and waited for me to look at him.

“You look so adorable” He said smirking and then smiling

“Where are Tomo and Shannon?” I said looking everywhere and laughing because I had broken the moment and because I didn’t even noticed that I was in Shannon’s house I didn’t knew where he was.

“They’re cooking.” Jared said letting me go.

“I’m going to take a shower. Meet us downstairs” He said leaving. I shut my door and I took a shower, then I went downstairs and I helped Tomo setting the table.

When they where all in the kitchen I took my chance to explore Shannon’s house. I researched every corner, I found a room that I concluded that was the practice room or writing room, because it had Shannon’s favorite drum set and some guitars.

Then I found the guest room where Tomo was it was very messy and had a skateboard, Shannon’s room was simple I didn’t get in and then Jared’s room 'a little snick wouldn’t hurt nobody' I thought and I went in. When I got in I could see Jared in every corner, it had his touch and his imagination in every detail. There where painting materials, his guitar, papers that I concluded that where lyrics, photos of the guys on the sets of their videos and of their trips and tours, oriental statues and a big pile of CD’s and movies 'I think that I’ve seen enough' I thought and I opened the door and went downstairs quietly.

“Where were you Paty?” Tomo asked from behind, scaring me which made me jump a little and turn with wide eyes

“Tomo! God, you scared me. I was in my room checking my e-mails and stuff” I said not telling him my little adventure around the house

“Sorry, little missy. Dinner’s ready let’s go” He said smiling and taking my hand to the kitchen. When I reached Jared and Shannon were putting the food on the plates, they looked so adorable and I just smiled.

“Paty please sit.” Shannon said offering me a chair next to him

“Oh thanks.” I said sitting

“Guys can we see a movie after dinner?” I said really excited and making puppy eyes at Shannon

“Hey, stop it you know that I can’t resist those eyes” I giggled and they looked at me

“I’ll chose the movie” Jared said

“Okay” We all said. In the end of the meal I yelled

“Dessert time!!” They all stared at me

“Please?” I said making them laugh

“Well we have ice cream and oh look popcorn.” Shannon said

“Popcorn, Shannon.” I said grabbing the popcorn and putting it in the microwave

“Jared, please go get the movie, if you don’t mind” I said, Jared just nodded and went to his room and some minutes later he came back with The Shining. We all went to the living room and watched it. 2 hours later I was already yawing and in the end of the movie I was almost asleep.

“Well guys, the night was great. I’m so sorry but I am tired. See you tomorrow” I said, and I gave Shannon and Tomo a kiss in the forehead and Jared in the lips. Then they all waved and Jared spanked me

“Jared!!!! What the hell was that for?” I said

“Your luck is that I’m very tired, because if I wasn’t you would be the one spanked” I said angrily leaving the living room, and Jared with a huge smirk and smiling seductively and evilly. I just stared at him on the top of the stairs making mad faces and then leaving to my room.

Minutes later I was lying in a huge bed when suddenly someone knocked on the door and took a sneak. It was Jared, I was so annoyed that I just wanted to sleep I needed to sleep.

“Sweet cheeks, can I come in?” He said looking at me.

“Let me SLEEP!” I said throwing him a pillow, he got away from it and then grabbed it from the floor, smiling

“Someone’s with a bad temper tonight” He said getting closer to the bed. I just didn’t gave him attention and I was almost asleep when someone touched my nose

“Jared if you are the one touching my nose, I’m warning you STOP IT! I’m enough cranky already. Just let me sleep” I said turning and covering in the sheets.

“You look cute when you’re trying to be serious and get a position but I understand. Can I do something before we both go to sleep?” He said touching my nose with his

“Yes you can” I said opening one eye to see him running to his room and coming with his classic guitar.

“I want to sing you a song, before you go to sleep.” He said smiling and kissing my cheek deeply

“Any request?” He asked

“You already know my favorites.” I said making an effort to keep my eyes open. Then Jared started to play The Kill and it sounded to real, full of feelings and his eyes looking at me as I went to a deep sleep. In the end of the song Jared kissed me and went to his room smiling.
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Romance finally starts :D