Life Is Full of Surprises

The painful truth

I remembered that tomorrow was my birthday and that made me so excited and happy, I always loved my birthday. And this time I was going to spend it working in L.A. Tomo called me for lunch and I went downstairs. Then we finished I looked at the guys and they all were doing different stuff, Tomo cleaning, Shannon was getting ready to go outside and Jared was going to the living room Now’s the moment I thought.

“Hum… Jared I need to talk to you” I said very slowly looking at his eyes, Shannon was behind him and made a question expression “I’ll tell you later” I mouthed at him.

“In the living room?” I asked

“Of course, let’s go” Jared said. We both sat on the couch and I didn’t know how to start. But I decided to that the chance and just say everything

“There are some things about me that you don’t know.” I said looking at him, but my strength and courage were vanishing to turn into to tears, he noticed but I kept solid.

“I never told you why I was in Paris that day and I never told you anything about my past and the reason why I need to talk to my dad everyday and why I never talk about my mom.” I said.

“Well when I was 10 years old, my younger sister was born, and a while later doctors detected lung cancer in my mom.” I paused for a while Jared gave me his hand.

"Then she started the surgeries and the Quimotherapy. Her hair fell it was painful, very painful. She had this cancer for 5 years and it was always appearing again and again. Then she had a stable period and we all thought that it was the end of the cancer, but this time appeared in her head. She had 2 surgeries and more treatments. In the middle she always made me so happy, because she taugh me so much about life, she was my best friend, she was so proud of me and my sister. When I was 14 she got worse and that was when she died a few months later. After a while my dad told me that she knew that she would die but she knew that I would cry if I knew” I said crying hard, tears coming down my face, a lot of tears.

Jared was looking at me, he didn’t speak in fact he didn’t need to, because I felt his support just for holding my hand.

“And that’s why it’s so painful to talk about her and that’s also why me and my dad are so close now.” I said closing my eyes, crying. Jared hugged me tightly.

“Don’t worry. I’m here for every single thing. And I thank you so much for telling me a piece of your story, the most tragic and painful one. Thank you for trusting me” Jared said kissing my forehead and putting my head in his chest making us very comfy on the couch. I just stared at his blue eyes, they were beautiful and I felt so good around him.

“Paty, we have a flight tonight to L.A at 3 am.” Jared said sounding sad

“Do we really have to go? I love being here” I said making puppy eyes

“Yes Paty we do. So we better start packing for 2 days. That’s what Tim said. He needs us to make specific scenes that are missing.” Jared said standing

“Oh okay.” I said leaving first, Jared was about to spank me but I turned too fast for him to figure and I pushed him to the couch, with me on top

“Ah, ah I told you! Don’t try to spank me or you’ll be the one spanked!” I said

“Jesus Christ! Paty it was just a joke.” Jared said surprised at my reaction

“And who said that I’m not joking right now?” I said biting my lip, to tease Jared.

“Oh yeah?” He said

“Yeah” I said with a challenging tone. When I least expected Jared pushed me and this time was he on top. Then he grabbed my hands and he took me to my room, not letting me go. I struggled for him to let me go, but he was too strong to deal with. He opened my door and he thrown me inside, locking the door for outside.

“What the hell are you doing?” I said yelling from inside the room

“You were challenging me, so here you go. Pack!” He said laughing

“I’ll get for this one!” I said giving a kick on the door. I heard Jared close his door My revenge has to be perfect 20 minutes later someone knocked on the door

“Miss, are you decent for a Mister to get in?” It was Jared with his British accent.

“Yes I’m decent” Almost before I ended my sentence Jared was already bursting in the room. He was observing me, and I was just tying my All Stars

“No revenge?” Jared asked

“Not in the mood for it. I said You’ll see, ah the old trick, of not planning. I have just fooled Mr. Jared Leto