Life Is Full of Surprises

L.A part 2

Then Jared grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. I gave an excuse in the end to go to my room, and without any suspicion I put a green color spray in my hands and I went downstairs, Jared was talking to Shannon, I came behind and I put my hands softly in his hair, leaving it green. Shannon bursted out laughing, Tomo joined and I started running from Jared. Jared came very angry chasing me.

“PATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON’T RUN FROM ME!” Jared was yelling

“Oh god, oh god. God save the queen, Jared’s mad” I said laughing and running. Jared caught me and we were at the living room ‘fighting’

“You messed up my hair” Jared said

“You locked me in a room for no reason!” We kept fighting each others reasons until Shannon came and set order

“Okay people just STOP IT!” Me and Jared stopped and looked at him. “You guys have a flight in 4 hours, go get some rest” Shannon ordered pointing to the second floor. I mumbled but I went and Jared made Shannon faces but went too. 2 hours later, Tomo went to wake me up.

“Come on sleepy head you have to get up, you have a plain to catch.” He said sweetly touching my cheek with his hand. I slowly opened my eyes looking his face that was really close to mine

“Morning Tomo.” I said getting up a little dizzy because I was so sleepy.

“I’ll get you some coffee, you’re to sleepy to walk down the stairs” Tomo said laughing and running to the kitchen. He’s to kind for me I thought. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, then I dressed up and I went to the stairs when Tomo appeared.

“Here’s your coffee sleeping Paty.” Tomo said laughing

“Thanks Tomo, I would be lost without your caring.” I said smiling

“I didn’t forget, happy birthday.” Tomo said in my ear then running to his room

“Thanks!” I yelled at him. And a smile formed in my face At least one of them remembered Then I went up I grabbed my bag and I went downstairs waiting for Jared. He came down.

“Morning Paty. Peace?” He said before coming closer to me

“For now.” I said smiling and kissing him. He smiled and grabbed my hand

“Let’s go, our cab’s outside” Jared said

“I need to do something first.” I said giving Jared my bag and running inside, I went to Tomo’s room and I gave him a kiss in the forehead and the same on Shannon. Then I ran to the cab.

“What in this world is leaving you so quiet? What are your thoughts?” Jared said

“Oh nothing special, I was thinking that what scene Tim will want us to do, because I don’t know any lines.” I said looking outside the window

“Don’t worry, Tim will not put you in a hard scene without giving you the script first.” Jared said very fast Something’s wrong with Mr. No worries 15 minutes later we were at the airport and we caught the flight and some hours later we were landing in L.A.
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