Life Is Full of Surprises


Its 8am and I was already up, as Jared and Shannon. They wanted to go with me because it would be an emotional moment, say goodbye to both family and friends that I just saw for 5 hours.

I got my I-pod out and we went, I wasn’t cheerful as always and Shannon noticed, and maybe that was why he was staring. I didn’t ask a thing I was too sad and tired to do so. When we arrived at the airport I immediately saw my friends. I ran to them, Andrew the one who protected me the most saw me and hugged me, he knew me so well.

“Paty, I’m proud little sis.” He said also sad

“I love you Dre.” I said burying my head in his shoulder because he was taller than me.

“I love you too” Andrew said, tears started to flow right away in our faces, as we looked in each others eyes. Then Jo appeared with her messy hair, all sleepy, I just started to laugh making everyone else laugh. Then I hugged her for a long time, I knew that she was there because she really was my friend. I looked at all of them

“I love you guys so much. Thanks for coming. Now GROUP HUG!” I said with tears as I hugged all of them and kissed everyone’s cheeks. Then they all went waving all the time. Jared appeared and he put his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head in his shoulder, it was a hard moment but he was there. Jared and Shannon the two best person’s that could have crossed my life, they made all of that for me.

“Hum guys. Thank you so much for last night” I said raising my voice

“I love you guys, thanks for being always here” I said, Shannon came and hugged me

“You’re my little sister, I’m here for everything, and we knew that you missed them so that was why we brought them here. Besides we also wanted to meet the people that put that kind of smile in your face.” Shannon said looking at Jared who was looking at the airport door.

Then Jared looked at Shannon and Shannon seemed to understand what Jared was seeing.

“Your family is coming” Shannon whispered

“It’s going to be even harder now” I said.

Then my sister appeared with a huge smile, I smiled back and we hugged, laughing at each other. Then I hugged my aunt who was already crying because I was the little ‘princess’ and they were leaving me behind and she wanted to talk with me about so much stuff but she couldn’t. I smiled at her and she smiled at me, it was sign of friendship and trust between us, we always counted with each other. She left with my sister to make the check-in when my dad arrived. Hard face, wet eyes, I knew he had been thinking about my mom

“Come on dad, I’m doing what you always told me to do, follow my dreams, even if they’re in the other side of the ocean” I said smiling, my dad just hugged me tightly and kissed my both cheeks, trying not to cry

“I love you Patrícia, take good care of yourself, and please try to go to Portugal.” My dad said keeping his posture.

“Okay sir!” I said kidding with him, we hugged again and he left very slowly then fasting his pace not looking back. Tears came and Jared and Shannon took me to the hotel.