Life Is Full of Surprises

First encounter with the Paparazzi

5 days later we were going to Shannon’s house again because in one week me and Jared would be back to work. We arrive at night so I was sleepy has always and this time Shannon took me because Jared was tired. The next morning I woke up suddenly because I heard someone screaming, I hurried to the hall and I heard Jared screaming from the living room.

“SHIT!!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE THEY?” Jared said to Shannon with some magazines in his hand

“Hey bro calm down” Shannon said taking he magazines from Jared’s hand, looking at them and then his face changed Something’s very wrong with those magazines I thought, suddenly I felt a hand in my arm, Tomo.

“Morning Paty. You should stay here until Jared calms down, don’t worry.” Tomo said going to the living room. I turned my attention again and there were Shannon trying to calm Jared and Tomo changing his expression when he saw the magazine. Tim appeared and he noticed my presence.

“Hey, she’s upstairs. If that involves her she deserves to know.” Tim said. Suddenly both Shannon’s and Jared’s eyes looked directly at me

“Sorry we woke you up Paty, please come down” Shannon said very carefully, he noticed that I was a scared because I never had seen Jared like that before. Jared was in the couch with his head between his hands. Then Tomo gave me the magazine and there it was pictures of me and Jared kissing and then in a big title ‘PATY THE HEARTBREAKER’

My eyes widened and then there were again pictures of the set, me with Collin before I got to the coliseum, pictures of my reencounter with my family and pictures of the whole party.

“What? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?” I said throwing the magazine to the wall as hard as I could

“Sense when do THEY take pictures of my family? If they want my image they should photograph ME not my family and friends. And nobody as anything to do with what I and Jared do! Oh now they got into my nerves” I said passing around the room, leaving all the guys looking at me because of the speech.

“This is going to get even worse.” Jared said looking at me

“What can we do?” I asked looking directly at him and he understood that I was being very serious

“We don’t do anything, and we tell the truth if anybody asks. That’s the best.” Jared said, I sat on the floor looking blankly at the wall where Tomo was

“Paty we’re used to this, you’re new. That’s why they’re already attacking you. When the movie premieres it will be worse, because you already know so many famous people. Don’t worry about what others think or say of you, because you’re amazing as you are” Shannon said raising my chin up giving me a kiss in the forehead. I smiled, I raised and I sat near Jared putting my hand over his head

“I’m sorry because of me you’re being exposed.” I said

“Don’t even say that” Jared said still looking at the floor

“It’s just a period, they will get tired and leave us alone” I said trying to comfort Jared

“Shh.” Jared said and then he kissed me sweetly

“Oh, how cute” Shannon said mocking us

“Shut up big bro” I said running after him, leaving Jared laughing. A while later I was ‘fighting’ with Shannon as always until he tickled me and I started to laugh. Then Shannon picked me up bridal and took me to Jared.

“Hey I can still walk, thank you” I said to Shannon sticking my tongue at him, he pretended that he was shocked. Then I looked at the living room and nobody was there all in theirs rooms, I went to mine and my cell ringed

“Hello?” I said

“Paty I’m so sorry I didn’t gave you my gift yet.” A stressed Tim Burton said

“Tim, there’s no problem, don’t worry.” I said

“I called just for that. So that being said, see you in 1 week. Bye” Tim said in a hurry has always

“Bye Tim” I said hanging up. Then I had an idea so I ran to Shannon’s room. When I got there I opened the door without a warning and I saw Shannon only with a towel around his waist.

“Oh sorry bro.” I said quickly turning putting my hands around my eyes and closing the door, blushing madly.

“You can come in” Shannon said

“Are you sure that you’re not half naked?” I asked hesitantly

“I’m fully dressed” Shannon said laughing, I entered waving shyly at him, he smiled

“Shannon what about if we went out to lunch. Pour Tomo is always cooking and for dinner we’ll buy” I said

“That’s a great idea Paty, please tell the others.” Shannon said

“Okay bro” I said running to Tim’s and then to Tomo’s room to warn them. The final door Jared’s room, I knocked and entered, Jared was laying down on his bed texting in his blackberry

“Jared, were going out to lunch” I said making him get up

“Okay, someone’s bossy” He said giving me his naughty and sexy look, I retrieved by giving him my determination look. I left to get myself ready. Half an hour later we were all set and we went to some restaurant near the beach, it was a sunny day but still a little cold. We sat, ordered and had fun most of the time, with me arguing with Shannon making everyone laugh until Tomo’s eyes were blankly looking at something.

“What Tomo?” I asked, putting my hand in front of his eyes. He pointed to a car

“Paparazzi” Tomo said, Jared froze while Shannon and Tim looked at me.

“Excuse me for a minute guys” I said very solid, I stud up and Shannon hold my wrist

“Where are you going?” He asked

“I’m going to demand the respect that we deserve.” I said, his face changed for a mad face but I made him let go of my wrist, I went towards the paparazzi

“I’m sorry, if I’m interrupting your jobs or amusements, but I and my friends would like to lunch in peace with no one taking pictures of us. The daily magazines are enough.” I said looking at both of the paparazzi

“We understand it’s you image” One of them said and they both left. I came back to the table

“You’re going to be in every magazine tomorrow.” Tomo said

“I know” I said, then I smiled but they seemed worried

“Guys don’t worry, if something’s on the press I’ll take care of it. I think that it can be worse at least they’re not talking about my clothes or my accent.” I said
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