Life Is Full of Surprises

Back to the set

he day went by normally and I decided to talk to my dad to ask him if he wanted to be my manager sense he was the only available person that I trusted. I didn’t want to hire someone that could betray me so my dad was the best person and both Johnny and Tim Burton agreed with my decision. I talked to my dad for hours to convince him to manage my things from Portugal I only wanted him to manage my contracts and invitations for shows, so he could see them and then send them to me, I also asked him to give a look to the press but to tell me always the truth about what they wrote about me or any of the guys.

My dad agreed and he said that he would be honored to manage my artist life. From now on I and he would talk by mail because of the hour difference between Portugal and the USA. I went down and a great smell was coming from the kitchen I ran to it and Shannon was there.

“Big bro what’s this smell?” I said looking at him and looking everywhere

“I’m not cooking don’t worry. It’s Tim with the pizzas for dinner” Shannon said

“I thought I would see you finally cooking.” I said smiling at Shannon

“Ah, ah very funny Paty” Shannon said giving one of his crazy laughs and then coming towards me to tickle me as always.

“Hey, don’t you think about it! Leave me alone!” I said running from him, outside was raining so I had to run from him inside the house. I started running like crazy and Shannon was just walking slowly until I caught Tomo in my way.

“TOMO please help me” I said hiding behind him, he laughed.

“Sorry Paty.” Tomo said loosing his smile and grabbing my arms leaving me with no way out

“WHAT? YOU TRAITOR! Tomo I thought you would help me against Shannon.” I said making puppy eyes at Tomo but he resisted trying not to laugh. Shannon appeared laughing like crazy towards me

“SHANNON NO!!!!” I screamed but it was too late, Shannon was already carrying me to somewhere, and Tomo was waving and smirking

“I’ll get my revenge on you Tomo!” I yelled while I was trying to get myself free. I was struggling but Shannon was too strong for me to handle so I was just starting to try to figure out where he was taking me to, until I saw a room that I had never seen before. Shannon put me down and whispered

“Do you trust me?” Shannon said our eyes making contact.

“Of course I do” I said a little fearless of what was going to happen next.

“Then promise me that you won’t be scared or have a bad reaction to what you’re going to see. I’m going with you inside so hold my hand if you want” Shannon said

“But what’s behind this door? You’re scaring me” I said

“I’m with you, now let’s go. He can’t be here much time.” Shannon said grabbing my hand taking me to the garage where I saw Damien’s car. I grabbed Shannon’s hand harder but he was expecting that, because he kept guiding me towards the car. I saw Jared next to the car talking to someone with a hoodie, when I and Shannon were closer he looked straight at me and the person with the hoodie didn’t move. I was quiet looking at Shannon that was still holding my hand but then Jared made a sign to join him next to the car, I went very reluctantly.

“Hi Paty” The hooded man said I recognized his voice but I tried to control myself

“Hello Damien.” I said looking for his eyes, but he wasn’t facing me. Jared gave me a kiss in the cheek and left with Shannon.

“What are you doing here and why aren’t you looking at me?” I asked

“I miss you, and I don’t want you to see me like I am, I look awful.” Damien said

“You know me better than that I would never stop loving you like I love because of your looks.” I said and after a few minutes Damien took his hoodie and he looked 10 years older. With big beard, his eyes were tired, he looked exhausted, he coughed a lot and he looked sick in a way. I looked at him and he looked at me.

“You look beautiful they kept their promise to Jack.” Damien said caressing my cheek.

“What promise? And where’s Jack?” I had a lot of questions popping in my head, Damien knew that so he smiled

“Jack’s still in the hospital, he can’t move. He sent me here to see how you were. Before your birthday Jared contacted us to make the video. And then Jack made Jared, Shannon, Tomo and Tim promise that they would take good care of you and they did, you’re happy.” Damien said but I was already crying.

“I want to see Jack please” I said almost begging Damien by holding his hand, my eyes were full of tears and Damien just stayed inside his car

“It was worse than anyone could predict. Jack wants to be recovered before he sees you, he doesn’t want you to see him like he is. And he told me that he’s very proud of you and he’s happy for you and Jared.” Damien said putting his key in the car starting it

“Please Damien tell me!” I said with anger in my eyes

“Paty we love you, I can’t. I’m sorry.” Damien said starting his car quickly leaving the garage. I ran to the car but he was gone. He left me crying I wasn’t moving and it was raining badly but I didn’t care until Jared came with an umbrella to take me home.

I went with Jared, leaving the sadness behind. Something was wrong but I would find out because Jack couldn’t hide anything from me for too long. The days went by quickly and when I least expected I was packing to come back to L.A. It was Monday morning and I was grumpy and bad humored for goodbyes, I drank a glass of peach juice and I went to pick up my bag while I was grabbing all of my stuff Jared appeared and he was just gorgeous on that morning, well he was always gorgeous but he had something different that morning.

“Don’t you like it?” Jared said rubbing his own chin

“Of course I do. You look so sexy” I said laughing while he kissed me intensively and he was on fire I smiled seductively at him but he just grabbed my hand and took us both down the stairs. But nobody was there.

“J where are Shannon, Tomo and Tim?” I asked but Jared wouldn’t let go of me

“They’re all sleeping don’t worry you can call them later.” Jared said running taking me behind him, I stayed silent while we got in a cab. Hours later we were in L.A and I was looking forward to see Paloma to give her necklace back. I was taking my bag to my room when Jared actually entered my room

“Is something wrong Jared?” I asked stopping unpacking

“Well sweet cheeks we’re in the same room.” Jared said smirking throwing his jacket to the bed looking at me

“Why? We never were.” I said nervous but I didn’t Jared to understand that

“Because our dear old Tim Burton scheduled us to the same room.” Jared said approaching me

“I don’t mind, but I do have my privacy.” I said sticking my tongue at him but he took the chance and kissed me, exploring my mouth sense it was a little open.

I was surprised but I let myself go with the flow. A while later Jared was taking me slowly to the bed. But when it was starting to get intense we heard a knock at the door. We both stopped, my hair all messy and Jared smiling of his work on my clothes and hair, the clothes and the hair were messy.
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A little cliffhanger I guess XD