Life Is Full of Surprises

First TV moment with Conan O'Brien

Next morning I woke up and Jared was already up and dressed, I dressed quickly and we went downstairs to take some breakfast until my cell ringed

“Hello?” I said finishing my hot chocolate

“Paty it’s me.” My dad said

“Oh dad sorry. Any news?” I asked

“You have an invitation to Late Night show with Conan O’Brien on Friday. I need to know now if you want to go.” My dad said

“If I want to go, of course I want to go. You know I love his show to DEATH!” I said all excited grabbing Jared’s hand while he looked at me

“Ok sweetheart. Be on her studio at 12 o’clock. Good week for you and Jared. Bye.” My dad said

“Okay dad, thanks. Bye.” I said hanging up, then I turned to Jared smiling super happily

“Tell me baby, what did your dad say?” Jared said

“I was invited to Conan O’Brien’s show!” I said almost crying of happiness.

“That’s great!! I’m so proud of my love.” Jared said kissing my cheek sweetly.

The week went by fast and it was Friday already.

“Jared!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so nervous.” I said looking desperate

“Calm down. Does this help?” Jared asked kissing me and well I melted.

Suddenly Conan’s head appeared on the door with that wicked smile of his. When I noticed his presence I jumped and then smiled nervously looking at Jared who was smirking.

“Well lovebirds sorry for the interruption.” Conan said entering and smiling. I just started to laugh I couldn’t avoid it.

“Hi Conan. It’s so nice to meet you.” I said still laughing but managing to kiss his cheek.

“If she’s already laughing here when se goes to the studio she will not even talk.” Conan said just looking at me amazed.

“Oh sorry. You’re just an icon to me, I just burst out laughing when I see you. When I was a teenager I saw your show all the time! I just love it!” I said

“Oh now that’s good to now. See you later kido.” Conan said high fiving me and then leaving to start the show.

I was watching with the crew the beginning were Conan usually did his stand up comedy about what was going on in America. He then told that his first guest was Adam Sandler and then he introduce has ‘ the fiery but always smiling Patrícia Marques is on the show tonight.’ I just laughed along Adam.

I had met him 5 seconds ago and we we’re already laughing at each other. He congratulated me for the movie and he promised to be in the premier. He was the first to be interviewed so he just made everyone laugh like including me of course. I was just being a child. Adam came and we drank some coffee together then the show started again

“And now ladies and gentleman, the fabulous actress staring in the next Tim Burton’s movie ‘The Girl’, Patrícia Marques!” Conan said, I just smiled and then I passed the blue curtain

I greeted him with a smile and a kiss on the cheek while sitting and looking at audience. Everyone seemed very curious about me because it was my very first interview on the TV.

“I hope you’re less nervous.” Conan said

“Yeah I’m less now. This is amazing.” I said my eyes sparkling and everyone laughing at my facial expression

“Well I just discovered that this is your first ever Tv interview.” Conan said all excited

“How did you? But you’re right it is indeed.” I said while I gave Conan an high-five again.

“Tell me about you first and let’s leave the movie for later…” Conan said with that evil smile of his

“Is that a dirty proposal Mr. O’Brien?” I said pointing my index finger at him making everyone laugh including Conan.

“NO! Someone would kill me if it was!” Conan said winking at me making me laugh, yes he was referring to Jared.

“So tell me how did you end up here? You were raised in Portugal, a girl with big dreams and you made them true your name is in everywhere related to movies, Hollywood. People actually talk nicely about you!”

“I know! I just wake up every morning and I fear that it was just a dream but then WOAH it’s not! I guess that people just like me and I just want to entertain them that is what I like to do. Actually being in a Tim Burton’s movie which was my first movie since I ended school was an honor, Tim just put everything on the line for an inexperienced actress.” I said at Conan

“And I bet he didn’t regret. I saw the trailer and let me tell you I’m looking forward to see it. I think that for such a new talent you really showed everyone that you can do great things.” Conan said

“What does your family think about you being an actress in the U.S while they are in the other side of the ocean?” Conan asked

“Well my family supports me so much, although my dad didn’t like it at first. He preferred me to be a doctor or a lawyer but I decided to be rebel and I followed my dreams. And now I’m sitting on Conan’s comfy couch.” I said smiling

“Another thing that everyone says about you is that you have really strong opinions on everything. What do you think about paparazzi?” Conan asked touching the subject that every celebrity hated

“I think that they should be shot down! They should be extinct. They are just so annoying! It’s incredible. I’m pretty patient but my God they just abuse. We are celebrities, fine it’s part of the job but that doesn’t mean that we have weird guys following us everyday 24/7 to take pictures of what were doing to sell them! Or put them online. That is just so freaky that scares me.” I said and then Conan’s face was very serious

“I don’t ask this to many celebrities but I asked you because your just starting now and let me tell you, you were the only person that gave me the greatest definition on paparazzi. Everyone thinks that but no one tells the truth so they don’t come on the magazines. You told the truth and that’s very honorable.” Conan said

“Thanks.” I said smiling

“When I met you backstage I forgot to ask you if you had any favorite thing on the show.” Conan said

“Besides your athletic body?” I said laughing making Conan smirk and then make his jokes

“I just love that character that ended the sentences. He looked just like Captain Hook!” I said

Then from the door the character appeared, I just laughed so much

“What the…” Conan said

“Hell I’m doing here? Well that nice miss told she liked me.” The character said bowing to us.

“But I’m interviewing her..” Conan said again

“So yes I would mind to leave. Mind if I grab a seat.” The character said sitting on floor making a lot of noise, I just kept laughing at this super funny thing rehearsed for me

“Stop looking at me like that!” I said widening my eyes.

“You kinda look…” Conan said

“Like an old child molester?” The character said and everyone busted out laughing again

“No, you actually look like Captain Hook.” I said

“Please just…” Conan said

“I know, I know. I’ll leave.” The character said leaving very sad, but then doing a dance and sending me a kiss. I was just laughing so hard.

“Oh don’t you do this to me again” I said laughing making everyone else laugh

The interview ended and Jamiroquai performed while I went backstage to talk more with Adam Sandler
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I loved writing this :D
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