Life Is Full of Surprises

My prince charming

Then Jared appeared greeting Adam and then grabbing my hand because it was getting late. Adam said he would call my manager and then talk more about stuff.

When we were walking to the car, I was just day dreaming when suddenly I felt my arm being pull behind strongly making me fall back landing in Jared’s arms, he was just staring and me.

“What?” I asked him while still in his arms.

“I’m just thinking that I am so lucky. You are so beautiful and talented.” Jared said.

“Thanks love. You also make me so proud great singer, great actor and the most important a great person. I love you.” I said and then we kissed passionately but when I opened my eyes Jared was already carrying me to the car.

“You really like to be a prince charming.” I said laughing and playing with his cheek.

“I like to spoil you. Your reactions are so cute and besides anything for my babe.” Jared said then our eyes met again and another kiss. I crawled my head in his chest until the car appeared and we got in.

“I didn’t know you could sing.” Jared said

“What are you talking about?” I said blushing

“I heard you singing along Adam some funny song from his movie and you gave me an idea.” Jared said

“I hope it’s a good one” I said not resisting and falling asleep. I felt Jared grab me and take me to our room. I felt he lying me down and I felt his hand on my hair, caressing my cheek and then his sweet kiss.

I woke up the next morning and Jared wasn’t in the bed. I looked at myself and I had a pair of shorts and Jared’s shirt.. My cheeks went bright red when suddenly Jared came from the bathroom with a big smile. I looked at him and then he just jumped on me kissing me.

“Morning sweet cheeks. Or should I say red cheeks?” Jared said smiling teasing me. I gave him a glare and then I rolled up

“Jared Leto why am I wearing your shirt? And why are you showing your chest? Isn’t there any more shirts?” I said trying not to stare at Jared’s abs, but he slowly put my hand on his chest so I could feel his abs. I tried to stay serious because I wanted to know why he changed me.

“Patylicious don’t worry. I was hot so I dressed my shirt on you and I stayed like this. I didn’t see anything that I didn’t deserve to.” Jared said sticking his tongue at me my eyes widened

“What??!! Are you crazy? I was sleeping!” I said but before I could continue to talk Jared pulled my face towards his and he kissed me with all his passion and strength, his hands were exploring my body and his tongue my mouth.

He made me moan so he took that chance to push me to the wall. My hands were exploring his chest and he was kissing my bottom lip and then my neck returning to my lips. We stayed in this ‘fight’ for dominance for a lot of time until he won and he stopped slowly.

“You are a living challenge” Jared said starting to sweat but smiling on top of me grabbing my hands while looking at my belly.

“I told you but you won this time.” I said smiling at Jared and he just stood up taking me with him. This time he was sweeter, one of his hands behind my back and another on my face. Between kisses Jared laid us on bed taking my shorts and then the shirt while I was caressing his back and chest.

“Paty are you sure you wanna do this?” Jared asked me afraid of hurting me or making something I didn’t want to. I smiled and I thought that he was sweetest man that I had ever met, he really cared and he just wanted to love me truly.

“I am Cupcake.” I said teasing him while he smiled evilly and he made his way to my bra so he took it of very slowly in a great expectation. Then he started biting my nipples driving me insane. I moaned his name in pleasure while he just kept smirking at it. Then I made my way to be on top of him and I started kissing his chest lightly all the way down making him grab my hair and just breathe heavily and then stopping at the abs and just staring.

“Me likey.” I said like a child and then I looked at the boxers and I smiled evilly. Jared took me by surprised and he was on top again.

He took his boxers and I don’t how but my panties also and he was inside faster then I thought. Then slowly it down just to see my reaction. I looked at him begging for him not to stop right now, he bit his lip and he kissed me while we reached the orgasm. We kept going and going, our bodies sweat, I was tired of moaning so much but Jared didn’t seem to lose his desire and passion.

We ended up hours later waking up with the bed all messy, me in his arms and the warmest smile in his face.

“I had been waiting for this sense we started being together.” Jared said kissing my forehead

“Thanks for making me feel so special. I love you more than anything Jared Joseph Leto.” I said kissing him and then falling asleep in his protective arms
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Alright this might suck XD Sorry if it does. I'm not good at sex scenes O.O