Life Is Full of Surprises

Two brothers in the same day?

“Paty! You took so much time in your room and what face is that?” Damien asked a little angry.

“You will never believe who I just talked to…” I said with a stupid smile in my face.

“Who?” Damien said very curious.

“Jared Leto.” I stated looking Damien in the eyes.

“You’re kidding me! Him in Paris? Did you actually talk to him?” he said surprised.

“Yes he’s in Paris. And he’s in the same floor has I! And he provoked me to annoy him, and I said that I would!” I said a little nervous off my own actions. I had no idea of how I was going to annoy him at all.

“Just relax. Let’s see a bit of Paris, then we’ll dinner and we’ll figure a plan to annoy Mr. Leto” Damien said when he noticed my scared face.

There were only 4 in the afternoon so I called my dad to say that I was okay and that I was going to see the Eiffel Tower from outside and that I was going to take a lot of pictures. Then me and Damien entered the Eiffel Tower and went all the way up to take pictures to the city. Damien went to a side to call to his family and take his pictures and I was focused in taking my own. When I saw a man with a professional camera looking at me but I just continued.

“I’m sorry, but do you have experience in photography?” the man asked.

“Uh, no. Why do you ask that?” I told him.

“Because of the way you look at the view, it’s very professional and you are looking to be perfectionist in every photo you take” he said with a smile.

“That’s right. I want them to express everything I’m living in Paris.” I said but then I really looked at him with attention and I figured that he was Shannon Leto, Jared’s brother. My first thought was 'What’s happening here? Two brothers in the same day??'

“Sorry.” he said smiling shyly

“I’m Shannon Leto and you are?”

“My name’s Patrícia, but you can call me Paty.” I responded.

“Are you alone in Paris?” he said very worried.

“Oh no. I’m with a friend” I said and then Damien came.

“Oh I can see, what hotel are you at?” Shannon asked.

“Paris Central. And you?” Damien said.

“I’m there too, with my brother, so I guess I’ll see you there” then he winked at me and waved at Damien leaving.