Life Is Full of Surprises

Happy Birthday!

Besides being with my family I had to go over the boat and check everything for the third time! That crazy woman was giving me the creeps. Always calling to say the thing she had said earlier again, always very stressed. Shannon got a really good party planner.

I entered the ‘main room’ that’s what I called it. I was decorated has I had planned and drew with a designer from the planner’s crew. Pumpkins, spider webs, skeletons, fake blood, sweets, masks and everything else I could imagine. The stage was prepared to have the names of the band performing on the back and of course that the bands had to have a theme about Halloween.

I went to the kitchen and everything was set, the restaurant area was also set with orange and purple colors on it. The balcony was set with some couches and comfy chairs and my special trick for Jared was also set.

“Patrícia are you sure that you really want to do it?” The pain in the ass party planner asked. I sighed and nodded with my head.

I turned my back to her and went to my dad’s house. I had lunch with my family and tried the new gifts and stuff when it was 4 hours until the party. Shannon must be arriving with Jared anytime soon so I ran to pick them up while Jo dressed herself and helped my sister. I was only renting them a car, Jared couldn’t see me before the party.

I saw Shannon and I waved, he turned to me and suddenly Jared appeared on his side. My heart jumped. I just wanted to run to his arms and kiss him but I couldn’t. It would be worth it. I watched them rent a car and then going off to my apartment.

My dress was in my dad’s house and for a perfect excuse I left an ‘invitation’ to a Halloween party on my kitchen table so Jared didn’t suspect on the outfit. I went again to my dad’s house.

Jared’s P.O.V

I got out of the plain and I waited for my suitcase and after I had it I literally ran to the airport door hoping to see her. No Paty on sight. My heart sank and my mind went to another place. Shannon punched my arm lightly and told me that we should rent a car.

I had nothing else on my mind. I had to see her, I needed to see her face, to touch her skin, her hair and to see her eyes sparkle at my sight. I was sad. We finally arrived at her apartment my hopes were a little up but still no Paty. An invitation was on the kitchen table.

“Hey Shann maybe she is going to this.” I said showing Shannon the invitation.

Shannon read it and smiled evilly going out the door and coming back an extra suitcase I hadn’t noticed

“This is for you.” Shannon said giving me a Jack Skelington outfit. My eyes widened.

Paty’s P.O.V

2 hours until the party…

I was stressing out. I had the dress on with the cat tail, the spider webs and everything else. The makeup consisted on a light pink lipstick and black eyeliner. I used some fake blood I bought around my arms and my collar bone. A Greek pair of black sandals I was wearing them because they were comfortable. My hair was curly and to my lower back.

Jo’s dress was a little shorter and dark red. She had her black hair with red tips. She was a kind of witch. With the broom designed all over the dress and a cat designed on the top. Black high heels, black lipstick and her face with white painting so she seemed very pale.

My sister was dressed like Mrs. Lovett. Yes I kind of gave her the idea. Her hair up and curly. Her skin had makeup to seem a lot more paler and her eyes had heavy eyeliner and other stuff. A black dress with a red corset. Some rends and sparkling stuff.

I was driving with them, because I had to receive the bands. They parked my car and I went inside. I went backstage and the My Chemical Romance guys were the first to show up in front of me all dressed has skeletons.

“Hi guys!” I said hugging all of them

“Hi sexy.” Gerard said. I blushed, well after all he was Gerard Way.

“Shannon called us and we couldn’t at first but then we had a spot on the tour.” Mikey said

“Oh that’s great guys! Let me check the order I did with Shannon about the bands.” I said taking my cell phone from my purse. 6 missed calls from Jared. Oh God he must be thinking I am running from him I thought. I shook my head.

“Well guys Placebo are first, but they called saying that they were late because of their flight. So about if you guys opened the party?” I said excitedly and putting my mobile back on the purse.

“Yeah sure.” Frank said hugging me happily, I hugged him back laughing

“Ok but promise you’ll kick ass!” I said while walking away from them. They all screamed ‘Yeah’ and started preparing their stuff.

1 hour until the party…

“Tomo where the fuck ARE YOU?” I yelled on the phone while helping on the restaurant section and then running to receive people.

“I’m almost there. STOP YELLING!” Tomo said hanging up.

I was stressed out, because Jared’s friends were arriving and nothing was ready. Shannon and I were texting each other so Jared only arrived at the proper time. I was literally running everywhere with my mobile phone on my hand.

I was receiving the guests and indicating them where they should go depending on what they wanted to do.

“Wow not bad.” A manly voice said, I turned and Bam Margera was in front of me.

“Oh hi. Nice to meet you.” I said smiling and kissing his both cheeks and his wife’s cheeks also.

“Jared is still a man with good taste, a kitty cat.” Bam said making me laugh

“Well you’re not bad yourself. A rocker and a fairy.” I said smiling and excusing myself. Bam was awesome, with black long hair surely a wig, a lot of makeup around his eyes and on his lips, his eyebrows pierced, leather clothes, fingerless gloves and combat boots while his wife had a simple short green dress, her hair in a bun and a pair of white short boots.

I went backstage again but before I reached it I spotted Tomo, I ran to him holding my cat tail afraid that someone might pull it off.

“Tomo!” I said hugging him tightly, I needed a hug or my head would blow away.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you.” I whispered in his ear.

“Don’t worry you were totally right.” Tomo said.

His outfit was amazing. He was dressed like Sweeney Todd. What a coincidence my sister Mrs. Lovett and Tomo Sweeney Todd, I thought to myself chuckling.

His hair had a white strike, he had a pair of black trousers, a white long shirt, a leather jacket, a pair of fingerless grey gloves, a razor on his pocket and a pair of black shoes.

“WOW! You’re dressed like Sweeney Todd! You know I love that character to death!!” I said smiling while he examined my outfit.

“And you my fine friend are so SEXY!” Tomo said, laughing.

He went to the kitchen section to give some orders and I went backstage to see how every band was doing. They were all chatting with each other and when I entered the room where they were a big silence took over the room.

The My Chemical Romance guys were smiling weakly and I knew something wasn’t okay. I ignored it and started greeting everyone. Starting with Vampires, Werewolves, Mummies and other mythical outfits every band did what I asked them to. Come to the party with outfits it was a cool idea.

I went to the stage to let everyone know that Jared was almost here.

“Good evening.” I said on the microphone making everyone look at me.

“First of all I want to thank you all very much for coming. I’m here just to warn you that Jared is almost here. So please remain silent because he will enter blindfolded, thank you!” I said excitedly and leaving the stage to join Tomo and Tim on the side of the stage and then to go to the boat’s entry.

I couldn’t believe this was actually working out, Jared really deserved this. I was with a Sweeney Todd Tomo and a Torch man Tim. I simply loved Halloween, the bigger part because of the outfits, I loved playing another person especially from a movie. That’s from where my dream of acting was born off.

We saw a car coming parking. Shannon was guiding Jared, and Oh my God Jared looked so cute. How did they know I loved Jack Skellington? I thought. I covered my mouth or else I would ruin everything. Shannon winked at me when I noticed he was dressed like The Joker from Batman. What the hell? I thought to myself. All of them were dresses in characters I liked.

We entered the boat with Jared always protesting for us to let him go.

“DAMN IT SHANNON! Take this shit out of my eyes. I wanna see her!!” Jared yelled, I looked confused and Shannon looked at me and pointed at me. Jared was yelling to see me now my heart jumped in excitement. I wanted desperately to just hold Jared but I couldn’t.

We entered the place where everyone was, everyone giggled at the sight of a Jared Skellington. We took him to a high balcony inside the boat from where he could see the sea and the people.

Shannon grabbed my hands smiling and he put them in the blindfold.

“Trust me” I whispered in Jared’s ear

“Paty!” Jared almost yelled and then I took the blindfold from his eyes.

Lights and a lot of colorful papers fell from the ceiling. I smiled to the guys. Then My Chemical Romance immediately went to the stage.

“Alright! We got the honor to be the first band playing in this much deserved surprise party for one of my best friend Jared Leto!” Gerard announced starting with ‘I’m not Okay’

“Big entrance successful!” I said high fiving Tomo, Shannon and Tim and then turning to Jared.

“You’re beautiful.” Jared simply said

“Come here my Jared Skellington.” I said smiling and kissing him passionately

“Happy birthday.” I said and then I grabbed his hand and I showed him where we were

“Wow we’re on a boat!” Jared said looking at me

“She’s the master of the plan.” Shannon said

“Shannon! I didn’t knew you liked The Joker!” I said laughing and then looking closely at his makeup it was extremely well done.

“Jared gave a little help.” Shannon said laughing like crazy making me laugh.

Jo and Bia appeared

“Girls!!” I said pushing them towards the guys. I looked at Jared and well I felt has happy as ever.

“Come on we have awesome bands tonight! Let’s ROCK THIS PARTY!” Shannon said grabbing Jo’s hand and running with her downstairs.

“Mrs. Lovett and Mr. Todd what are you waiting for?” I asked smiling at both.

They blushed and Tomo offered his arm at Bia, she accepted. I turned to Jared

“You do too much for me.” Jared said pushing me to his arms and resting his forehead on mine.

“You deserve all of this and even more.” I said kissing him and then he started playing with my cat tail.

“Was it your idea?” He asked smiling

“I like kitties” I said laughing and grabbing his hand again guiding him downstairs.

We enjoyed My Chemical Romance, then Placebo, Nine Inch Nails, U2, Bon Jovi, Damien Rice and Coldplay ending.

It was getting late and it was my so called time to shine. I winked at Jo and she started dragging Jared away to show him something of course Bia went to help her. So what was the plan. Shannon had to be on the stage because of the drum set so he went. Tomo was playing from the inside balcony and Tim from the audience while I climbed to a swing I had put on the ceiling. It went down and it was visible for everyone to see me clearly.

“Shannon I can’t do this.” I said on the microphone that was only connected to Shannon’s ear. He looked at me and waved. Oh God, breathe, oh god I thought. Tim waved at me and Tomo waved also.

The room went dark and I knew it was time. We were starting with R-evolve for no particular reason.

“Evening!” I greeted from the swing and looking down.

Everyone looked up and I scanned the room looking for Jared.

“Well I just want to wish Jared the happiest birthday ever! In my name and in the band’s names also. God only they know how much I love you.” I said swinging on the swing.

We played The Fantasy and Oblivion. Being the next one The Kill.

Then I turned to Shannon and he had left his drum set, Tomo wasn’t in his place and Tim had just vanished. A piano had been placed on the stage.

I looked at the crowd and Shannon, Tomo and Tim joined Jared, Jo and Bia smiling proudly. No they can’t just go away and leave me here singing. Damn it! I told Shannon I loved the piano version of The Kill and now I had a piano on stage and I was about to sing The Kill!! I thought.

I shivered, this couldn’t be happening, I didn’t want to screw up. The pianist started playing and I started singing with my eyes closed.

In the end an overwhelming ovation took over the crowd. I thanked everyone and the swing was ‘taken’ to the stage. I jumped from the swing landing on my feet. I bowed and thanked again. I was smiling and then I looked at the piano and the person playing it was Johnny.

“Johnny!!” I said hugging him

“That was so good.” He said hugging me tighter. He knew I had worked my ass off.

“You’re dressed like Jack.” I said smiling.

“Oh luv for you I’m Jack 355 days a year.” Johnny said giving me a rum bottle making me laugh and taking me of the stage.

Jared was on the backstage, with Shannon, Tomo, Tim and the other bands. All very serious. I looked at them and gulped

“Was it that bad?” I asked. Jared smiled and hugged me lifting me from the ground

“It was just perfect.” He said embracing me with tears in his eyes. He was proud and I had brought tears to his eyes, tears were now in my eyes.

“Don’t cry ok?” I said caressing his cheek and kissing him

“I promise.” He said.

I hugged every guy from the bands, thanking them

“Sexy kitty should be in our next album!” Frank said

“Who’s sexy kitty?” I asked making all of them laugh while Jared slide his arm around my waist.

“You silly.” Mikey said stroking my cheek. I blushed madly, glaring at Frank.

We met Jo and Bia and Frank started looking at them.

“Sorry Frankie both taken. But those are free.” I said pointing at a group of girls making him laugh.

“Surrender to my razor!” Tomo said grabbing me from behind and putting the razor on my neck, I laughed

“Oh no please Mr. Todd mercy!” I said

“Only if I get a hug from a great artist.” Tomo said, I turned to him and hugged him.

The fireworks started and I ran to the balcony with everyone.

“I love you.” I said to Jared

“Thank you for making me so happy. I love you.” Jared said leaning in closing the space between us with a kiss.