Life Is Full of Surprises


Shannon’s P.O.V

The next morning…

I couldn’t tell her, she was sleeping so peacefully. I’m sure than when she waked up she will feel that’s something’s not right. I was sitting on the chair of Paty’s bedroom wondering about what had happened last night and about how screwed Jared was. Jo was sleeping in her apartment, Tomo, Gerard, Mikey and Frank in the living room and Jared well I don’t want to remember. Gerard, Mikey and Frank were there because they saw Jared’s mistake and they entered Paty’s house falling asleep on the floor.

Paty’s P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times. My head hurt, a hangover. DAMN how I hated this thing. I sat up to find Shannon staring at me with a guilt expression on his face.

“Morning” I said heading to the bathroom to wash my face. I had black around my eyes because I hadn’t taken all of the makeup away so I started taking it off.

“Shannon why so quiet?” I asked Shannon since he hadn’t said anything yet what was quite strange.

Shannon’s P.O.V

Paty asked me what was wrong, how could I tell her? I didn’t want to be the one telling. She has to see for herself.

“Hangover!” I yelled, lying.

“You’re not the only one!” She said back laughing.

She had such a beautiful laugh, she reminded everyone of me. Even my mom thought that she was just like me. She just perfect, talented, sweet, with a sense of humor but very sensitive since her mom died. She could cry at anything or anything and I had seen that happen. When something really good happens she instantly cries of happiness, it’s a way of expression but she’s always Paty.

Paty’s P.O.V

“Come on bro.” I said taking Shannon’s wrist and walking out of my room and down the hallway.

My living room was a living mess. I giggled to not wake the guys. Tomo was on one of the couches and Gerard in the other while Mikey and Frank were on the floor. I turned to go to the kitchen but I heard someone giggle. A female voice. But not a voice I could recognize.

I looked at Shannon and he was looking at the ground and I knew immediately something was wrong. The noise was coming from my guest room. I opened the door and I saw what I had never imagined right in front of my eyes. Jared was lying on the bed sleeping and a girl was stroking his hair gently. A sudden rage started to burn inside my stomach, it couldn’t be possible. They were rapped in the sheets, they had sex. My heart broke in pieces and the rage took place.

Shannon appeared on my side his face with guilt, I looked at him and I entered the room sprinting towards the girl

“YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!” I said punching her across the face, grabbing her hair and throwing her clothes towards her.

“Shannon show this bitch where is the exit.” I said my eyes never leaving her while the girl speechless dressed and left. Not saying a miserable word and with a red mark across her face.

I looked at Jared, he was starting to wake up.

Shannon’s P.O.V

I kicked the girl out and called Jo she needed to be here. Paty was freaking out and now I understood what she meant with bad temper. We both knew that they had sex, it was obvious and Paty burst out. Jared is really screwed.

Last night Paty drank too much and I had to take her home and while Jo took Bia everyone else lost Jared in the middle of the crowd. I guess that in the middle of the night he brought the girl here, he was totally drunk for sure because he would never do that if he was sober.

I had to figure a plan or Jared’s life would end in that moment.

Paty’s P.O.V

Jared opened his eyes and smiled at me, I stayed serious. I was so taken back and disappointed. Besides heart broken and angry. I felt so trashed away it hurt. I had worked my ass off for that party and he cheated on me in that same night? How could he.

“Morning sweet cheeks.” Jared said approaching me and leaning in to kiss me, I backed away with tears in my eyes.

“Why Jared? WHY?” I asked tears coming down. He had no idea of how he had hurt me, I loved him so much.

“Why what?!” Jared said trying to defend himself

“BULLSHIT!”I yelled at him beating his chest harder and harder while crying.

Jared embraced but I was still punching his chest.

“I don’t love her, I love you. You know it.” Jared said with a sad

“You cheated on me. Get your ass out of my house and that your shits with you.” I said coldly pointing at his clothes and then opening the door and leaving Jared behind.

I had to do it but I didn’t want to. He hurt me but I still loved him I couldn’t. I had to make him understand I wasn’t a toy. I rushed throw the hallway to the living room where all the guys were staring I guess they heard me shout. I opened the door, with tears rolling and rolling. Jared waved at the guys and grabbed my chin kissing me softly and then leaving with tears in his eyes.

“I wanna be alone.” I said going to my room and skipping down my black bed sheets. I cried all morning and maybe afternoon while listening to music until it hit 30 Seconds To Mars. Hearing his voice was painful and made me remember what I had seen and I kept crying.

Hours later

“Paty come on you have to eat.” Tomo said resting his hand on my neck

“I suppose you’re right.” I said looking at him with a sad face and getting out of bed.

7 pm were marked on my watch, WOW I had passed the entire day crying. It’s ironic because I always said that I would not cry for a man but I cried for Jared maybe because he was the ‘man’ or wasn’t he? I was confused but still in love with him. Sometimes love is so stupid how could I be like that.

I opened my bedroom door and entered the living room waving at everyone. Jo ran to me hug me.

“Everything’s okay.” Jo said, I shook my head in front of her

“No it’s not. We all know it’s not.” I said looking at Shannon. I hated seeing him sad especially because of me. He was there for me and what about his brother?

“Shannon…” I said, Shannon immediately stood and came towards me

“I’m sorry. I told Jared so many times to not fuck everything up and now you passed almost 10 hours in that room crying.” Shannon said with guilt all over him, I smiled weakly and hugged him. No more tears.

“I think you should be with your brother.” I said trying to be as fair has possible

“We’re probably going to the US. I don’t know” Shannon said, I didn’t want them to leave, it was just more painful. Tomo was also sad we were all. I looked in Shannon’s eyes and he knew it was the right thing.

Shannon’s P.O.V

I can’t believe what I’m witnessing. It’s just so sad and heart breaking. Jared and Paty love each other so much and because of a wild night everything is ruined. Paty is very serious when it comes to honor and loyalty. But she’s suffering. She can’t hide it. All this thoughts were in my mind when I saw Jared outside Paty’s apartment staring at her bedroom window.

“J come on.” I said to Jared trying to cheer him up. His eyes were red and his face sad. He didn’t like the fact that he made her cry.

“She made this for you with my help.” I said giving Jared the DVD, he took has the most precious thing

“Tomorrow we make 3 months. I ruined everything Shannon.” Jared said

“Don’t worry little brother I’m already figuring something out.” Shannon said smiling.

Paty’s P.O.V

The next day

I woke up and something was different, I was alone in my bed and in my house. I was taking my breakfast with the TV on Fuse when my mobile vibrated a message.

‘Morning sis. I need to talk to you. Remember that park next to the café where we had lunch the other day? Meet me there.” it was from Shannon. I immediately dressed a pair of jeans and a purple sweater. I put my white scarf around my neck, my keys on my pocket and my I-pod’s ear phones on my ears.

I got to the park and I sat on one of the swings waiting for Shannon. I admit it I felt bored without my normal ‘super happy’ mood and attitude. I was just empty. Something very big was missing and I knew what it was.

It was the way his eyes locked with mine, the smell of his cologne, his lips on my lips and his voice. I could hate it to admit but Jared had left his mark deeply on me. I still loved and I knew I would always do.

He was my idol since I was a teenager and I always wanted to meet him. For a coincidence I bumped on him and I meet his brother. I fell truly in love but still he was my idol and the same man that expressed a lot of my feelings and experiences in the songs he wrote. I had to get this clean or I would regret the rest of my life.

Jared’s P.O.V

As soon has I spotted the park, I saw her sitting on a swing. Looking at the sky and listening to music. She was thinking obviously and she seemed so sad. GOD! It was my fault, I shouldn’t have done that to her she didn’t deserve it.

What am I supposed to say? That I’m an ass and beg her to forgive me, Paty’s way too much smart and proud to just take an apology. But I have to try…

Paty’s P.O.V

I felt a hand on my leg and I jumped instantly, getting to my feet to find Jared with a black hoodie on and looking straight at me. He looked much regretted and without the right words.

I was speechless myself, it was my chance but I couldn’t just say ‘I love you Jared everything’s ok’. No! I was way more serious and mad than that. It’s true I was hurting myself but I couldn’t stand the betrayal.

“Hi.” I said in a low voice trying to start this conversation.

“Thank you.” Jared said grabbing my hands

“The DVD is awesome. Shannon included a few videos he made without you knowing. He showed me the rehearsal. I’m so sorry Paty I really am.” Jared said grabbing my hands tighter and coming closer to me

“How am I supposed to trust you again?” I asked him

“You know me maybe a little better than Shannon. I would never hurt you, never. Not in a miserable second of my fucking life I wished to be with someone else.” Jared said

Damn it! I was falling again. He was such a Romeo and he spoke the truth because I could just see it in his eyes. I didn’t know what the right choice was.

“You know what day is today?” I asked him, he nodded

“Three months ago I got hocked up with the most beautiful girl in the world.” Jared said making me blush. I smiled at him while he felt confident enough to lean in. He barely touched my lips but I made the kiss deeper by wrapping my arms around his neck.

We both smiled on this and yes I know I’m weak but try to avoid the person that makes you happy and the person you love the most and then tell me if it’s easy.

I asked him who she was and he said that she was some kind of dumped model hired by the paparazzi. He noticed some guys following her with cameras to take pictures of her trying to sneak in with him. Those guys hired her so they could have news on our break up. But who would win money with that? Being a big fat lie? Well it didn’t matter if it was true or not they just wanted to sell.

In the end Jared and I made our ‘peace’ when I had to prepare myself for his tour and for his leaving.
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Everything was just so perfect wasn't it? ^.^ A little twist, I bet nobody saw this coming xD Thank you for the comments and for the subscriptions