Life Is Full of Surprises

Damien's back!

Paty’s P.O.V

One week later

I was finished packing and looking one last time at my apartment, the last time I had left it was to go to France and since then my life had been spinning. London, concerts, movie making and the meeting of 30 Seconds To Mars.

I was with my back against a wall waiting for my plain’s calling.

“What a coincidence, you too Paty?” A very familiar voice said, I looked up at him and a smiling Collin Farrell was facing me but he was different. He had his hair almost by his shoulders with a mixture between light brown and blond color and he had a… mustache? I looked at him with an awkward look

“Col? What the hell?” I asked him while observing his face

“Yap it’s me beautiful.” Collin said smiling and hugging me, I hugged him back

“Wow looking good. Were you on Jared’s party?” I asked him

“I was dressed like a vampire and let me tell you, that outfit of yours made you sexy!” Collin said making me blush

“Thanks. Where are you going?” I asked him

“L.A new movie.” Colin said

“California.” I said smiling at him

“I’ll be there too for some months I’ll try to find you okay?” Colin said hugging me a last time before going to his flight

“I promise! Then I’ll take you to Ireland with me!” Colin said sticking his tongue out making me laugh.

I was a traveler, everyone knew that. Ireland was another place I wanted to visit after all that Colin told me about it. Truth was that he always liked to provoke Jared using me, calling me ‘sexy’ and ‘beautiful’ right in Jared’s nose. Of course Jared didn’t like that one bit but we always took it in a playful way after all it was Colin.

Hours later

“Paty.” Adam said helping me with my luggage

“Sandman thank God, I’m so sleepy.” I said putting my arm around his shoulder playfully but then taking it off spotting the paparazzi taking several shots of us.

10 minutes later I had my suite’s key. As soon as I arrived at the room I jumped on the bed falling asleep.

? P.O.V

I walked silently into Paty’s suite. She was sleeping like a young and innocent child. How could I doubt on her? Seeing her brought everything back, our moments together, her smile, her hugs, and my brother’s accident.

Why did he let that bastard be with her? I breathed her scent, lovely as always. She was even prettier than I remembered her.I stroke her dark brown hair softly. Tomorrow she would get the surprise of her life.

Paty’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a great mood. I stood up and I started unpacking. First I put all the clothes on some drawers, and then I took the laptop out, my I-pod and my mobile phone. I went to the bathroom to wash my self up, then I threw some clothes on me and I grabbed my script. I took the key from the suite and I left to take breakfast.

“Morning Paty.” Adam said sitting beside me

“Morning Adam.” I said smiling while Steve Carrel joined us.

“Well I hadn’t the change to properly meet you, I’m Steve.” Steve said

“Nice to meet you I’m Patrícia” I said shaking his hand and smiling at him wondering what would Jared be doing

Jared’s P.O.V

I had the greatest idea of all time. I was going to use my Blackberry to make daily videos to show Paty how we are and stuff.

In London was night and I had to sleep, so it was decided that in the morning we would make a video to send her. By this time she was waking up in the other side of the ocean.

Paty’s P.O.V

I had one more hour before starting to shoot the scenes so I went directly to my laptop to find a new e-mail from Shannon. He sent me a video.

When the video started I immediately heard Jared’s voice he was the one filming everything, Tomo was playing his guitar probably for the sound check , Shannon was sleeping I guess it was early and Jared was just talking to his BlackBerry like if I was there to hear him. I was hearing him but I wasn’t there in person, so I decided to also make a video. I made one telling the guys that I’m starting today, that I’m so excited to meet Mike Myers and that I miss them so much.

After sending the video someone knocked on my door

“Yes?” I said opening the door to find Damien standing there like a statue

“Damien? What are you doing here?” I said not letting him in

Damien and Jack had just let me behind revealing that they didn’t trust me and I hate that

“Wow you grew so much.” Damien said eying my body

“I’m not that different. How did you know that I was here?” I said

“Someone wants to see you.” Damien said and behind him Jack appeared in a wheelchair.
I looked at him in shock, I wasn’t ready for this.

“Jesus!” I said turning my back to them hiding my tears. Jack was so full of life and now he was trapped to that chair, it was the worse that could happen now.

“Paty…” Jack’s deep voice echoed in my head

“Why now? Did you wait for them to go on tour?” I asked still with my back to them

“Yes we did. They wouldn’t let us approach you, they feared that you would get like this.” Damien said

“I can’t face this… not now.” I said

“Please Paty don’t stay with your back on me. I want to see your face.” Jack said, I turned with tears in my eyes

It hurt so much. How could they just come here and pretend that everything’s okay?

“Go home your mother must be worried.” I said

“We missed you and this is how you greet us after all this months?” Damien said with a cocky attitude

“I’M ANGRY! How dare you come here and pretend that you didn’t kick me off your life Jack? And you Damien don’t think you’re an angel because I know you were here last night! I’m not leaving Jared so get that idea out of your head!” I said. I exploded, they should really know me better

“Fine! But don’t put everything on him, he’s not that important! Marc my words you will come on our door when he leaves you crying and then we will help you because we truly are on your side. Paty! YOU’RE NOT BLIND! LOOK AROUND YOU! He’s using you to show up in press.” Damien said

“He doesn’t need me, I’m not even famous yet.” I said

“Paty you know where to find us.” Damien said walking away with Jack behind him

I had never had such a fight with Damien. He was acting like an asshole, why was he talking so badly about Jared? Well he never liked my boyfriends but this is too much Damien will not interfere anymore.

After this little reunion I went to the set to start filming the movie.

Jared’s P.O.V

I logged on Shannon’s e-mail and there was a video. A smile spread across my face when Paty’s face appeared on the screen. Her hair was softly pulled to her back and she was just reviewing some lines and talking to us at the same time.

She looked so pretty, tonight was our show. I was getting ready and seeing her made me calmer but full of energy.

“J! Come on were going to be late.” Shannon said

“Oh yeah coming!” I said smiling happily at him

4 hours later

“Thank you” I had been repeating that for the last 1 hour on the meeting with our fans

They were important and some of them actually sent Paty greeting and stuff but others would mumble about her on my back

The British Echelon offered us a lot of gifts and we took pictures with them, I felt happy for having so much support

“Mr. Leto.” A female voice called

“Oh Lily please stop it. Call me Jared.” I said smiling at our photographer.

We had her so she could take photos of the show, then we would show them to Paty. Lily was another big 30 Seconds To Mars fan but she wasn’t has sensitive has Paty oh no she didn’t take any crap from anyone. She had black hair with red streaks and green eyes. Shannon was the one who introduce us to her since they have the same interest in photography though he admits that Paty is way more funnier to annoy.

“The photos are ready, we can send them now.” Lily said giving me a CD with the photos

“Thanks! Paty is gonna love this, you’ll like her.” I said smiling looking at the CD

“Mate you're really in love.” Lily said smiling sweetly, I chuckled and headed to the van that would take us to the hotel

Paty’s P.O.V

The scenes went well, I wasn’t used to make improvisation with such genius in comedy, so it was quite hard to be funny. Steve helped me a lot really, Mike made me laugh when I was just stressing and Adam just gave me orders, though they made me laugh

After a peaceful dinner, I ran to my room to find photos of the show on London and WOW! They were amazing! And a video! Of The Kill’s performance.

Then photos of the guys after the show with the fans and with a girl. She was beautiful and seemed very close with them, this was fuzzy in my eyes. Who was she? Why was she there? Hum… I guess I’ll have to ask.
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