Life Is Full of Surprises

Jared and Paty reunite

Paty’s P.O.V

3 months later

The girl in the pictures was Lily,one of Shannon's friends. She was a photographer and she was the sweetest person ever because she took pictures and she made videos of the performances so I could see them. I spent 3 months sending daily videos to Jared and seeing videos of him too, this was a sad way of killing the despair to see each other.

What happened a lot in these months were the amount of crap that came out on the press. First the rumor that me and Jared broke up, pure lie. Then they actually used Damien! They said that I had an admirer, and that I was over Leto, my god these guys give the creeps.

Then the most chocking the suing from EMI, to 30 Seconds To Mars revolted a lot of their fans. I know that because a lot of them that spotted me in California actually told me to do something. They created a website and everything! They are really a big family, but gratefully everything was settled and now our boys own their songs and albums.

Guess what I’m about to do now? A surprise. The guys are about to perform in Italy, first I want to travel there, second I have free time to see them. Adam’s movie is in post production, then I’ll have the interviews and a contract to sign, at least my father called excited but he didn’t say what it was.

Since Jared bought a mansion in California, I left most of my luggage there and I took clothes to at least one week, and of course my other belongings that I couldn’t live without, like my I-pod, my shades, my dark blue swatch and Jared’s bracelet.

Jared’s P.O.V

I was playing with my Paty pictures on my blackberry, there’s a video of her that I can’t get enough of, the one where she is describing how cool is to make a comedy movie, she even read a few lines and she laughed with it. She’s so simple and that makes her so special.

We were in a flight to Italy, a country that Paty would love to visit. I wished she was here, it would be so much fun. Italy was the last European country we would visit. Then we were going to some south African regions, Australia, Brazil, Argentina and go to all the USA’s cities on a tour bus. I liked it specially because My Chemical Romance were joining us. Paty loves those guys, I wonder why.

3 hours later we were already heading to our hotel. It was night and in the next day we would be giving our final concert in Europe

Paty’s P.O.V

The next morning the sun was shining and Rome seemed beautiful to visit. I showered and dressed a light purple tank top and a pair of skinny white jeans. I was taking my breakfast when my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw Jared sitting on a table on a corner with Shannon and Tomo all with shades and hoodies. I quickly put my hair in a bun and my shades and I continued eating trying to pass unnoticed, this could ruin everything.

Jared’s P.O.V

I was sitting on a table when I noticed a young woman sitting on the other side of the room, she was so looked like Paty but it couldn’t be. Silly me, I was imagining her

“What are you looking at J?” Shannon said looking at her

“Paty will not like this one bit.” Tomo said laughing

“Don’t act dumb.” I said punching Tomo’s shoulder while laughing.

Indeed Paty would not like this, she got all upset about Lily and she’s a friend imagine if it is some girl

Paty’s P.O.V

Oh God, I’m going to faint! They started at me, the 3 of them and Shannon is smirking. It’s possible that he recognized me, he’s knows me. He would see me a mile away, yap that’s Shannon when he’s not trying to be funny.

They went back to deep conversation with each other, I just wanted to run and sit with them, I missed them so much. I shook my head and grabbed my camera leaving the table.

I visited the Roman coliseum and everything around and I was fascinated, Italy was stunning. I looked at my watch and it was time to get ready for the concert. I went to my hotel room and I dressed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a 30 Seconds To Mars band shirt and a pair of black Converse All Stars and I also took a hoodie just in case.

I arrived at the arena where the concert was being held and it was getting pretty full, I stayed in the middle.

The concert was AWESOME! Jared jumped and sang, Tomo rocked along with Tim and Shannon kicked ass on his drums. Their energy never ends on a concert and that made me jump and sing along. After the concert ended the line for the meeting with them was endless, but I wanted to be the last one.

“Are you Paty?” A female voice asked tapping me on the shoulder

“Oh hi! You must be Lily.” I said smiling at her

“I have to tell Jared you’re here, he’ll be so happy!” Lily said

“WAIT! This is a surprise, you have to help me.” I said making puppy eyes then laughing

Lily gave me her pair of shades and I put my hoodie on making myself the last one in the line. When I got to Shannon I took my shades off smiling

"Thanks.” I said looking waiting for Shannon to look at me

“Pa..” I put my finger on his lips, telling him to be silent.

Shannon smirked and Tomo’s eyes widened. I made them a sign so I could pass under their table

“Guys where’s the fan who owns this ticket?” I heard Jared ask holding my ticket in the air, I stood up and I wrapped my hands around Jared’s eyes

“It’s mine.” I whispered smiling widely

“Paty?” Jared said turning so fast that made me lose a bit of my balance

“Surprise!” I yelled smiling while Jared kissed me passionately leaving me without air

“GROUP HUG!” I heard and suddenly I was on the floor with everyone on top of me

“I can’t breathe!” I yelled between laughter

I missed this craziness. It was so damn good to be here.

“Let me help” Jared said pulling me up and wrapping his arm around my shoulder while we walked to the hotel

“I missed you so much.” I said resting my head in his shoulder, he suddenly stopped

“I missed you too sweet cheeks.” Jared said smiling gorgeously and then kissing me again. He threw me on his shoulder and we did what we always do, we laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the comments :D