Life Is Full of Surprises

Mamma Mia

“Tell me.” I almost begged grabbing Jared’s arm, making puppy eyes.

“I can’t and besides I like it when you‘re curious.” Jared said winking at me, my expression turned even more frustrated.

I was too curious for my own sake, so knowing that Jared and probably Shannon and Tomo also knew made me lose my patience.

“Hey! You’ll know soon, now to pass time how about a movie?” Jared asked stopping in front of a video store

We got in and I was searching for a movie, which was hard because I liked a lot of them

“Sweet cheeks I know you like these two.” Jared showing ‘The corpse Bride’ on his left hand and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ on his right hand. Yes, I loved animation movies, they are the best things ever!

I bit my low lip, trying to choose between them

“I vote on Howl’s Moving Castle.” Jared said, I smiled

“Why?” I asked him

“Because I could really picture us on this movie and you remember me of Sophie.” Jared said caressing my cheek, I blushed and smiled at him

After taking Howl’s Moving Castle, I cuddled with Jared on the couch but I fell asleep before the movie ended.

“I’m not Okay! I’m not Okay, hey hey! Paty wake up!” I heard and then I felt my bed move all around.

I opened one of my eyes to find myself sleeping on Jared’s arms in the bed while Gerard and Frankie were jumping on my bed

“GUYS! Let me Sleep!!” I yelled resting my face in Jared’s chest trying to sleep peacefully

“I told you she gets grumpy in the morning.” A very familiar voice said.

My eyes opened and I sat on the bed, to find Damien smirking on the door. I got up and I kicked all the guys to the suite’s living room so they would Jared sleep

“What are you doing?” I said lying lazily on the couch

“Waking you up…” Frankie said jumping on me and tickling me

“Frank stop it.” I said, pushing him off. When I called him Frank I was being serious

“Good morning.” Damien said and I opened my eyes to face him

“Oh my god.” I said getting up feeling their eyes on me

“P don’t worry. He talked to us, he wants to get close to you.” Gerard said

“I don’t know G.” I said

I drank some yoghurt and I ate a toast. I went inside the bedroom and Jared was coming out of the shower

“Wow this is strange. I got up after you.” Jared said kissing my lips sweetly

“We had some visits.” I said taking my pajama pants off and my tank top

“What?” I said dressing a white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts while Jared observed me closely

“Nothing, you’re just so beautiful.” Jared said, I smiled at him and I bowed in a ‘thank you’ move.

Jared went to take the movie to the video store and I stayed packing my stuff and waiting for the call. I turned the TV on and a gossip show was on

“Okay everyone knows that Jared Leto recently announced publicly that he is in love with Patrícia. She has been progressing on her career by appearing recently on a comedy movie along with Mike Myers, Steve Carrel and Adam Sandler. Jared has a ton of girls that he could have and he choose a girl whose past is not so beautiful.” The woman said and then pictures of my teenage life appeared

My past is not a proud thing to me, because I used to be obese and 4 years ago I lost all the weight I needed and I started again but I should have known this was coming. They were opening another hole to my life, a part I regret, a part that makes me cry. I didn’t loose the weight just because I felt like it, I did it after my mom’s death and the doctors feared that I could become anorectic or depressive but I didn’t. Jared didn’t knew and in the same moment that tears went down my face Jared appeared with flowers

“Paty? Sweetie what’s wrong?” Jared asked worried, analyzing my face

“There’s something I never told you about me.” I said grabbing his shirt and burying my head in his chest, Jared put his hand behind my back while he sang quietly calming me down.

“What is it?” Jared said wiping my tears away

“I wasn’t always like this, I was obese when I was a teen.” I said motioning to my body

It had been my greatest challenge to lose all the weight, I got sick of all the people making fun and not having a single boy looking at me like more of a friend. So I changed and I met Jared.

“I knew that.” Jared smiled warmly hugging me tightly

“We saw some pictures of you, your grandma gave us some. You still have cute cheeks.” Jared said squeezing my cheeks lightly in his hands and then kissing me

All my fear went away, he already knew, all of them knew. But for me it was a ‘no’ subject. Another thing popped into my mind, how did they get the pictures? My family would never sell them and the only person who saw them was Damien and Jack when we were kids. Then it all placed, Damien appeared out of nowhere and now this, it was his fault!

“Jared, I think I know who made this, I’ll be back.” I said

I went inside the bedroom and I put some random clothes on and I stormed out, looking for Damien and I found him in the bar

“Damien why did you lie to the Romance guys?” I said reaching him, I looked at his side and a guy with a smirk was facing me. He was blonde and he had green eyes

“I needed to see you.” Damien said ready to hug me but I stopped him.

“I want you out of my life.” I said coldly.

“What about me?” The guy said and his voice was Jack’s but Jack wasn’t blonde.

“Jack?” I said and he smiled

“Guys I’m not the innocent and blind Paty anymore! Why in the hell did you sell pictures of me?” I asked them getting angrier

“Because we needed the money.” Damien said


“Paty calm down!” Damien said grabbing my fists and pulling me into him

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Shannon said appearing

“Let me go Damien!” I said with rage all over me

I was never like this, but being betrayed by my ‘brothers’ was enough! I just wanted them out of my life for good

“You should be with me! We just want you away from them, you’re changing because of them! I love you, he doesn’t!” Damien said pulling me towards him crashing his lips on mine.

I was in shock but I pulled back. Shannon had his eyes glaring at Damien

“She said LET HER GO!” Shannon said punching Damien on the mouth making him bleed.

“No Shannon stop!” I cried out grabbing hs arm to stop him. Shannon calmed down and turned to hug me

“Leave and if I see you getting close to her in anyway you’re fucked.” Shannon said in the most scaring tone I had ever heard

“It’s ok sexy butt.” Shannon said trying to cheer me up

“Where’s Jared?” I said with tears on my eyes

“In anger management with Tomo.” Shannon said trying to make me smile

“If he came here that guy would be in the hospital.” Shannon stated

“I know thanks for keeping him out of my problems.” I said while walking with Shannon

I found Jared in the suite and when he saw he ran towards me pulling me into his arms like if the world was about to end.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Jared said almost squeezing me in his arms

“Don’t worry, its ok. Everything’s settled.” I said trying to smile

“Paty your dad on the phone.” Tomo said giving me my mobile phone.

My dad was finally going to tell me what the surprise was!

“You were casted for ‘Mamma Mia’ to play Meryl Streept’s daughter and the other thing is on your e-mail” My dad said

“But I can’t sing.” I said

“Someone sent a demo of you to them.” My dad said, I looked at Jared and he was looking innocent but I knew that it was him

“Alright, well then say that I accept. I’m going to check my e-mail now, bye dad!” I said excitedly

On my e-mail was a video, I opened it and Jared, Shannon, Tomo and Tim appeared

“Paty!! Okay we know that you are very busy right now, but damn it we had the greatest idea ever!” Shannon said smiling in the video

“We want you to come on TOUR WITH US!!” Tomo yelled happily. I stopped the video and I ran into the living room where they were all sitting

“Is that serious?” I asked pointing at the laptop

“Hell yeah!” Shannon said, I smiled and nodded with my head

“Yes what?” Jared said smiling widely

“I’m very proud to say that I want to go!” I said hugging the three of them at the same time

After all the bad things that people say, I understood that beneath it they were there. I had never thanked them enough for the support and for taking my sadness away all the times, for making me smile and for making me happy