Life Is Full of Surprises

'The Girl'

The next morning Damien wasn’t home, so I called him.

“Morning Mr.Damien. Do you mind telling me where you are?” I asked worried.

“Paty I’m so sorry. I had to leave, Jack is in the hospital. I’m on the plain he needs me there” he was crying and so was I. Jack was like my big brother and for the sound of Damien’s voice he was very bad.

“But.. but what happened ?” now I was crying hard.

“I’m not sure. I’ll call you when I arrive at the hospital okay? And please don’t cry you know Jack wouldn’t like that, especially you crying for him” Damien said trying to make me feel better.

“I know, but I can’t help it. I’ll call you everyday ok? Kiss and be strong for both of us.” I said trying not to cry on the phone. I hanged up and I left the house I needed someone, but who? I remembered Jared’s smile and that made everything better, I needed him. 'But where could he be?' then my phone rings.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi Paty, It’s Johnny Depp” I’ve been talking by e-mail with him and he’s pretty cool and I was starting to work with him in a movie.

“Oh hi Johnny! Sorry I didn’t recognize your voice. How are you my friend?” I was feeling better already because Johnny was very supportive and he had already talked to my dad so everything was alright.

“I’m very good actually. Have you reed the e-mail I sent you about the characters from the movie?” he asked

“No I’m going to read it now, wait a bit.” I entered my e-mail box and there was this huge e-mail about a movie called ‘the girl’ by Tim Burton and Johnny Depp.

It was a story about a girl named Roxanne (played by me) that lived with her father, George (Johnny Depp) that worked in the C.I.A and he had a dangerous job because he deled with the worst criminals: killers, kidnapers and some with great mental disorders. So he was always worried about Rox (Roxanne’s nickname) because some of those criminals could use her for their crimes. One day he went to work about a killer that kidnapped girls around 15 and 18. That day Roxanne was at home and when she left to a friend’s house 4 mysterious men took her away, to a hiding place. Where this killer, named “Black Rose” (Anthony Hopkins) and his son Jake (Jared Leto) made their trades. Rox had been hand picked because she was involved with someone from the C.I.A that was investigating their crimes. When her father was contacted he panicked and called Alex (Colin Farrell) from N.Y that has liked Rox for a long time and that has a lot of resources sense he’s very good at what the does. The problem was that they were well hidden, and the son of the killer, Jake, started to be interested in Rox. But she was always getting away from him. While the “Black Rose” actually named Roger requested money and helicopters for they to run away or they would take Rox with them and kill her. Once he contacted Alex the real story begins. Roger who had his “troops” around Rox has threatened to kill her. George and Alex meet them in a secret island and when Rox is trade Jake doesn’t want to let her go and that’s when Alex shuts him while George and the other C.I.A guys catch the other criminals until Roger suicide’s because his son is already dead and he doesn’t want to go to prison.

“Wow, Johnny. This story is amazing. It will be a giant success.” I said really excited.

“I know dear. Tim actually requested to be written like that to put your character in the middle of all action. What do you thing about the other actors?” Johnny asked.

“I think that it will be an honor to work with such big names. A lot of my idols are in this movie. Thank so much for inviting me Johnny. When well I meet the great Tim Burton? I’m excited to meet him.” I asked.

“Next week, in L.A all the cast will be there. I’ll be in the airport waiting for you so don’t worry. We will give you the script. Please don’t be nervous I know you a bit and I know that you’ll get nervous with so many pages, but don’t everyone wants to help you sense is your first movie. See you next week darling, enjoy your vacation.” Johnny said excited

“Okay, Johnny. See you next week and thank you so much again. Kiss, Bye.” And then I hanged up the phone. Then I realized that I was going to work with Jared 'That’s going to be interesting' I thought.