A Burning Sky

2008= An economic collapse leads to the rise of the Federation of Earth Alliances
2010= A group of explorers find a hidden dragon cave. Suddenly the majestic creatures are everywhere
2011= The FEA Declare war foolishly on the dragons, starting a devastating war
2015= A secret weapon sets a chain reaction, burning the sky and scorching the ground, making most areas of earth completely uninhabitable deserts or tundras or simple disgusting swamps. Humans caught in them, or lcviing preferabley in them, become Wretches, disgusting warriors of bloodlust
2016= The war now rages between humans and lich, humans canabalising themselves into cyborgs, creating the Ravagers
2051= A young boy looks up to the sky...
  1. Beginnings
    The Arrogance of Innocence