Status: Has been on Hiatus due to the huge rush of uni life, but now first year is over, I'm going to do my best to give you lovelies the ending you deserve! =)

Diary of a Reluctant Ruler


I stumbled out of the door, into the corridor. I turned to go back to my room, and bumped into someone.

“Ouch!” I cried, rubbing my nose.

Watch where you’re going idiot.

It’s the masked murderer!!! AAGGHHH!!!

Calm down freak.

“Are you OK?” asked a concerned voice. I looked up into James’s face, wondering why he cared.

“Yeah. Fine,” I said.

“Olly was looking for you earlier,” he stated.

That’s right, I thought; Olly. I was his little sister’s friend.

“Oh. I’ve had an Etiquette lesson, sorry.”

“Etiquette?” He laughed, “What, you mean like how to fold your napkin!?”

“Exactly that,” I said, grumpily, “Did you know you can’t put Soya sauce on white rice without offending the cook?”

He laughed again. I had made him laugh! I smiled.

“Could you point me towards the library?” He asked.

“Yeah, sure.”

I took him the long way, hoping to make him laugh again. We got there far too soon for my liking. Olly was sitting in a window seat, reading one of the papers we had delivered daily.

“Phil! I was looking for you.”

“Etiquette lesson,” I explained. James snorted behind me, “I’d like to see you at a posh dinner.”

“You will,” he said, smirking at me.

“When?” I asked, confused.


“But that’s just normal dinner.”

“No, it’s not,” said Olly, turning round from the window, looking slightly amused. “The Queen’s organised a dinner party for your birthday.”

“But I had my dinner last night,” I said, confused.

“This one’s supposed to be formal,” Olly smiled, “Which means, I get to wear my dress!”

She turned back to her paper and then added as an afterthought;

“You get to see James in a suit too. He looks so cute!”

“Is that a compliment?” He asked, looking uncomfortable.

“Maybe,” said Olly, absorbed in her paper once more. James rolled his eyes at me, and I giggled.

I never giggle!


Great. Wake up idiot!!!!

Huh? What’s happening?

James rolled his eyes at us, and you fainted. He’s not that ugly.

“Um, I’ve only got a little spare time after my riding lesson, so can I meet you here at 5, Olly?”

“Sure,” she said, grinning. “We need to find you something to wear.”

I smiled back, aware of what bad fashion sense I had. Olly would make sure I looked good, what a lifesaver!

“The usual please Madeleine,” I said to the French cook, sitting down at the big table in the kitchen. In a matter of seconds I had a bowl of cold pasta in front of me, a chunk of cucumber and a glass of water. Madeleine was used to my odd eating habits. She almost always had my dinner prepared for me, knew exactly what I would want. I used to think she was my fairy godmother, a bit like Mandy in Ella Enchanted.

But no, she was definitely human.

Riding was my favourite lesson. I loved the feel of the wind through my hair and against my face, loved the smell of the horse, and the grass, and the soaped leather. It was the one thing I seemed to be able to do naturally. My riding instructor, Peter, never told me off for a bad position, or critiqued my handling of the bridle. In fact, nowadays, my riding lessons were simply chances to go riding.

My horse was a beautiful gold chestnut mare, with black mane and tail, with a darker chestnut muzzle and socks. I called her Freya, and she was gorgeous. I loved her to pieces. I said hello and led her out of the stable, into the booth with all her leathers. We rode out into the meadow, where my brother Felix trotted cautiously around the edges of the field. Peter, an old friend of my father’s shouted a brief hello, then went back to instructing Felix, who slouched in the saddle rather dejectedly. I galloped around the field, urging Freya to go as fast as she could.

After several times around the field, the instructor stopped me to talk.

“Her majesty would like you to escort two guests out riding this afternoon milady,” he said, pointing back towards the stables, “A Master and Miss Jacinthe.”



Oh dear.

“Sure,” I said, galloping back to the stables. I dismounted, to find James petting one of the colts.

“Where’s Olly?” I asked.

“She doesn’t like horses,” he stated.

I frowned, I didn’t know that... I’m supposed to be her best friend.

“So why was she going riding in the first place?” I asked.

“Your mother thought it would be a nice afternoon activity. Olly’s pretending to be ill.”


We’ve got James all to ourselves...

For heaven’s sake, he’s just a guy.

A Hott guy.


“Have you ridden before?” I asked, wondering how much of an amateur he was.

“Of course,” he said, looking offended.

“Just checking,” I replied, affronted, “You can have Falcon.”

I led out the black stallion, pulling his saddle off the wall.

“I’ll do that,” James said, taking the saddle from my hands.

“Thanks,” I said, mollified. I leaned down to pull up the zip on my riding boots. I should have realised he would know how to ride. He had riding boots on, along with a riding hat. They were obviously his, not the spare ones that belonged to the stables.

We rode out of the stable yard in silence, stopping as we reached the road outside. The palace drive opened onto the main road leading into the city, but the stables were around the back, and they led onto the country lanes, which led in turn to the coast.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked.

“Anywhere,” James replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just got swept away with inspiration for writing a psycho story... it might work, it might not.

Comments? They keep me alive, and therefore writing.

Ivy, xXGreyWingsXx (c) 2008