Dog Tag Chainers; The Branch of Evolution

Chapter One- The Morning day Routine

Sowa blinked in the early morning air. The sun came slightly over the top of the hill where he and Jerry slept. The two boys planned on spending the summer outside; June 15th to September 15th. They slept outside on the grass and stored a tent full of food and water. Sowa stood up and stretched, his brown hair falling into his eyes. He glanced at the tent; now barely full of dried out water bottles and open packages of food, and to his skateboard’s black outline in the eerie morning sun. He kicked Jerry in the ribs with his bare foot, “Jerry, get up.”

Jerry groaned and shifted in his sleeping bag he was in. Sowa looked blankly at him and kicked Jerry again, “Come on, bro. Get up.”

“Go away, Sowa,” Jerry groaned, tiredly. He shifted in the sleeping bag, again, and yawned. Sowa bent down next to Jerry and grinned his mysterious grin he gives when he has a plan working out perfectly in his head.

“Come on, Jerry. You know what today is, don’t you?”

Jerry didn’t respond right away so Sowa stood up, stretched again and kicked Jerry. “Sowa,” Jerry tiredly groaned, again, “go away.”

“Jerry, get your behind up. School starts today,” Sowa said, getting pushy at his blond haired friend.

Jerry blinked tiredly in the dim sun at Sowa’s dark figure, “Daenwi, why the hell do you want to go to school? Just give me a good reason to get up and go to school and maybe I will.”

“I’m starting High School today, Jerry!” Sowa smiled blankly at Jerry, “So you’re gunna have to deal with the 8th graders without me!”

“Damn you, Sowa,” Jerry pushed himself up with his hands and knees and yawned tiredly. He pushed his blonde hair out of his blue eyes and looked at Sowa in the dim morning light. It was cold out, for the early morning, and the grass, which was covered in dew that made it feel wet, made Jerry shiver slightly.

“Hah, damn you too, Jerry,” Sowa grinned. The backdoor of Jerry’s house opened and the backlight turned on, sending white light over the two boys. Sowa grinned and walked inside Jerry’s house to change and get ready, “Come on, Jerry.”

Jerry followed, without asking.