Dead Until Dark

My Roommates A Vampire!

"What the hell are you!!?" Quinn roared two mornings later. Sam flinched uneasily. She'd been passed out for a while, just sprawled out across her bed, still nude and alluring Sam to take advantage. But he hadn't. "Well?!" Quinn was now wearing a worn and tattered green robe. Sam could still see a considerable amount of breast.

"It's no big deal…" Sam shrugged and continued to "watch" TV, blinking every once and a while.

"No big deal? Sam, you fucking bit me! I've been blacked out for two days!!!!!" Quinn zapped the TV off and raised an eyebrow at Sam. He returned the look with a blank stare on his marble features. "Tell me!!!!!!!!!!" Quinn demanded.

"Alright!! I'm a vampire! Happy?!" Sam was now on his feet and towering over Quinn, dark and mysterious yet surreal and perfect. "You're so goddamn sexy that I couldn't help it!" Sam, who usually remained calm during brawls, was suddenly angry and full of temper.

"You're, you're a vampire?" Quinn chewed the inside on her cheek while Sam nodded and stepped closer to her.

"You have the bite marks to prove it." He kidded.

"I don't believe you." Quinn crossed her arms over her chest. Sam hesitated and as Quinn blinked, he seemed to glitch like a robot and suddenly had a knife in his hand.

"Believe me now." Sam casually and naturally stuck the knife into his stomach, not even flinching or feeling anything. A pinprick.

"Holy fuck! Are you ok?" Quinn jumped back, her eyes wide with fear.

"Yeah. I don't feel anything…" He shook his head, pulled the knife out, lifted his shirt, and watched his wound seal and not leave a scar or scab.

"How…how did you do that?" Quinn uneasily began backing away, her hands trembling.

"I already told you. I'm a vampire. I'm immortal. I cannot be harmed by any humane object." Sam, to add to his statement, jabbed the knife into his heart. "I'm fine." He grinned and caught Quinn before she hit the ground, out cold.