Time Passes By, Revenge for the Rest of My Life

Arms Opened Wide

"Kend, are you ready for school?" My twin Tab asked me, while laying beside me in my bed. "I guess so, Tab?" I asked. "Yeah?" She wondered. "What time is it?" I asked curiously. I felt the bed move. "6:30." She said with a laugh. "Fucking great." I said sitting up. "Go get a bath, and I make us some toast and jelly." She said. "Ok. Hey Tab?" I asked. "Yeah Sissy?" She wondered. "I love you." I said hugging her. I went to my bathroom and took a shower. I got out and dried off. I put a black tight wife beater on, with a white thinner one to go over it, so you could see the black. I put some ultra low cut holy jeans on. I got some jewelry that was loose big beads that match my shirts. I fixed my hair, and put my famous black bandanna in it. I did my heave black eyeliner, black mascara, and my dark gray/black eyeshadow. I grabbed my messenger bag and went downstairs. Tab and I ate our toast and got in my F250 truck. We then went to Huntington High.

We got out, and started walking to the office. Me being the clumsy one I am, I ran into someone, and fell. I laughed. Tab started to freak out. "Oh shit. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I promise!" The boy exclaimed. He helped me up. "Its ok..I'm ok. I'm sure." I said to him. "I'm Zacky." He told me. "I'm Kendall, and this is my twin Tab. We just moved here." I told him. "Yo, Zack.. what'd you do now man?" A big dark guy came over. "Dude, I ran into her by accident." Zacky said. "Oh damn. Well I'm Matt." He said reaching for my hand to shake. "Kendall." I said. Tab just stared in awe. "Thats Tab, my twin." I told him. He shook her hand. "Nice. So, where are ya'll from?" He asked. "We're from O.C originally, but then we moved to L.A, now we're back here." I said looking at Tab, who is still staring at Matt. "One question, can you two help us to the office?" I asked. They both nodded. We started our walk to the office. We finally got there.

"Miss Hart?" The elder woman asked. "Yes?" We both answered. The elder woman began to laugh. "Miss Tab Hart?" She asked once again, "Yes mam, I'm Tab." Tab said to her. "Here is your schedule." She handed her schedule to her. "And Miss Kendall Hart." She said looking at me. I stood up, "Yes mam?" I asked. "I do believe we're going to try to make this year the best, am I correct?" She asked me. "Yes mam, I will try my best." I said with a smile. She smiled at me and handed me my schedule. "Well I like to hear that. Here is your schedule, and you ladies have a nice day." She said. "Yes mam." We both said in unison. We walked out into the hall.

"Sister what's your locker number?" Tab asked me. "6661." I said laughing, "What's yours?" "6958." She said frowning. "Well the Spawn has her number!" I jumped up and hugged Zacky. They laughed. "What about your schedule sis?" I asked her. "Um, 1st. Flack, 2nd. Dewberry, 3rd. Deal, 4th. Lunch, 5th. Harris, 6th. Conners. You?" She asked. "Dewberry, Morris, Deal, Lunch, Harris, Conners." I said. "Me too, Plus Brian, Jimmy and Johnny." Zacky said. "Brian, Johnny? Who are they?" I asked. "Our best friends Jimmy, Johnny and Brian, you'll get to meet then in a first." He told me. "So Tab,are you and Matt in all the same classes?" I asked her. She looked at him and he nodded. "Awesome." I said as the bell rung. "Bye sissy, I love you! Text me in a bit." I told her. "I love you too sis and I will." She told me, hugging me. Zacky and I started to class. We got to Dewberry's class.

"Good Morning class, I am Mrs. Dewberry, and this is Algebra. I hope you all will take notes and pay extra attention. Is there a Miss Kendall Hart in here?" She looked around and I raised my hand. "Well Hi, I am Mrs. Dewberry once again, and I'd like to welcome you to school." She said. "Thanks Mrs Dewberry!" I told her.
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