The Diamond

The Diamond

“Jenni, wake up!”
“Time for school. Wake up.”
“Jake, I had the dream again.”
“Really. You have had that a lot lately, haven’t you?”
“Yeah, I am getting sick of it. It’s bothering me.”
“I know.”
“I wonder what it means. I mean I have had the dream for what, three years now?”
“I think maybe four.” Jake pauses. “No, three. You’re right.”
“What do you think it means, Jake?”
“Maybe it’s telling you your long lost dad is Hades.” Jake said jokingly.
“Yeah, maybe,” Jenni sarcastically said while rolling her eyes.

Jenni finally got up and got ready to go to her new high school. It was her first day of ninth grade. Jenni was finally a high schooler and a freshman, and Jake, her brother was finally a senior.

When Jenni and Jake got home their mom asked what High school was like.

“It’s huge mom! Everyone is really tall and lean.” Jenni practically yelled.
“Really? You’re lean honey.” Dyanna told Jenni.
“My teachers are kinda nice I guess, and I have a class with this really cute boy.”
“Oh no, here we go again. What’s his name?” Jake sighed then asked.
“His name is Ben and he’s 16 years old. I have talked to him. He also said to tell you hi. Do you know him?”
“Yes Jenni, he is my best friend. You remember him, last year he was scrawny and had a lot of acne,” Jake reminded her.
“Anywho, that’s about it.”
“Great! Jake what about…” Jenni heard her mom say before she left the living room to go to her room.

In her room, Jenni fiddled with her necklace her dad gave her. The necklace was black and had scissors as the pendant. She had always wondered what the scissors had meant, but that was when she was sad.

Why was Jenni sad though? She had just started her freshman year, so why the long face? She was sad because she didn’t know who her father was.

The next couple of weeks go by and in Jenni’s advanced reading class they are studying mythology. In those weeks they are studying that, Jenni becomes fascinated with ‘hell’ as the mortals called it or the underworld, and the goddess Persephone.She finds out about the three crones and how they measure someone’s life and they cut the thread with scissors.

All the clues she needed were there. Everything finally came together. But, she was a little hesitant to tell her brother because he would have thought she was crazy. But then again, she should tell Jake about it. Everything. Jake was the closest thing she had to a dad, so she went to tell him.

“Jake, can we talk?” Jenni asked.
“Sure. About what?” Jake pondered.
“Umm…” she stuttered. “I think I know about what my dream means.”
“Yeah. Please don’t call me crazy or tell mom but I think my dad is Hades. I mean our dad.” Jake looked wide-eyed at Jenni. “Please don’t tell mom.” Jenni asked.
“OK.” Jake paused and closed the door “Jenni, what I’m about to tell you, you can’t tell anyone. Yes, you’re right. He is. Hades is our father.”
“OMG! Does that mean mom ‘did it’ with Hades… I mean dad?”
“Umm…” Jake paused again, “Yes, but Dyanna is not your mom.”
“OK, so who is my… It’s Persephone isn’t it?” Jenni thought out loud.
“So why am I mortal?” Jenni seemed to ask more and more questions.
“Because of me.”
Jenni just looked at Jake.
“When I heard you were immortal, I was jealous. I just thought you were mortal and it just happened. I’m sorry.”
“It’s OK Jake! Really, it is,” comforted Jenny.
“Jenni, that’s not all. You are the destined one. You have to save something big, and well, it’s Lynn City. Actually, it’s ‘THE DIAMOND.’” Jake paused to get a breath and Jenni sat there staring at him. “Jenni, the town is dying out. The Diamond keeps our city intact. You are the only one to save everyone.”
“How do you know this?” Jenni asked.
“Because…” Jake waited for the right moment, “Because I talked to Dad.”
“Our necklaces. Dad gave them to us to talk to us. While my mom and you are asleep, I talk to him.”
“Can you show me?” Jenni asked.

Jake shows Jenni how to talk to their dad, Hades. Jenni is fascinated with talking to her dad and tells him everything about her life.

“Sounds great, honey! Everything looks perfect. So, will you come and stay with your mom and I?”
“Dad, remember if I go and stay, I will be ‘down there’ forever.”
“Well, you’re right. I hope when you’re ready you will come down here, right?” Hades asked.
“Yes dad.”

Jenni hears someone in the background. It’s Persephone, Jenni’s mom.
“I have to go honey. Your mom wants me. I love you, Jenni. Bye.” Hades told Jenni, and shut the connection down.

Over Christmas break, more and more people die out. Jake finds out that his best friend, Ben, is the one who is responsible for ‘The Diamond’ stealing. Ben is the criminal. Jake figures he needs to tell Jenni that her crush is her enemy.

“Jen, I need to talk to you about Ben. Somewhere private would be nice.” Jake tells her.
“OK” Jenni responds back. “How about my room?” and Jenni walks through the hall and down to her bedroom while Jake is following her.

Jake closes the door and speaks up. “Jen, I know who took the Diamond. Jen, it was” Jake hesitates, “Ben.”

“No! I don’t believe you! You’re lying to me! Get out of my room! Out!” Jenni screams at her brother, while crying.
“Jennifer Lynn, it is time to save everyone! You don’t have to kill him, just put him in jail. Plus you can see him if he is in jail.”
“You’re lying to me!” Jenni screams again.
“Jenni, listen to me! Go to the Keeper’s house, then go west and you will find the Diamond.” Jake screamed back at Jenni.

Jenni stops crying and listens to her older brother, “Fine, I’ll go.”
“Great!” Jake paused and went out of the room to go get a shotgun to give his dark sister. “Here, you are going to need this,” and handed the gun to Jenni.
“Umm… thanks?” she stated.
“Go get ‘em, sis!” Jake said. “I love you!”

And the Jennifer Lynn left.

Little did she know that was the last time that she was going to see him. That was the last time she was going to hear his voice.

Jenni traveled through her city, down to the Keeper’s house. Then she went west, like her brother said to.

Jenni found the small building that held the Diamond. She slowly crept up to it, then she busted the door open. Sure enough, Ben was right there.

“Ben, stop where you are!” shouted Jenni.
“You can’t stop me! Plus, I never thought you were cute! I heard the rumor.” Ben shouted back.

That made Jenni extremely mad, so Jenni shot Ben. It went straight to his heart. Ben died instantly. Jenni found the Diamond in his upper-inner pocket. She grabbed the Diamond and put it back in its glass case. Lynn city was saved.

Dragging Ben behind her, Jenni went to the town circle and the city congratulated her on a job well done.

After all that work and killing, Jenni thinks she should become immortal again. Jenni ran home and packed all of her belongings. She even wrote a note to Dyanna stating:

“Dyanna and Jake, thanks for being the most perfect family a girl can ask for! I’m sorry I have to leave, but I will never forget you. Where I am going, I will have protection! Love always, Jennifer Lynn.”

Jenni travels forever to find the start of the Underworld. Grabbing the pendant on her necklace, she calls for her dad letting him know that she is coming.

Hades lets her in and Jennifer Lynn slowly walks down to become immortal.
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I wrote this for a class last year. I think it's pretty good considering this is one of the first pieces I wrote. By pieces, I mean really long.


Beth ^__^