Punks Don't Wear Prada


Monday Morning.

Six O’ clock sharp.

I sat up, pushing back my pink silk comforter.

Raising my thin, perfectly tanned arms in the air, I stretched. My little dog, Gee-Gee, peaked out from under my pink sheets and barked.

“Good morning, beautiful! It’s time for another perfect day in my perfect world.” I cried, and bounced out of bed.
What should I, Danielle Leigh Fillips, Homecoming Queen and girlfriend to the hottest lacrosse player in the whole school, wear? I mean, a girl as wonderful as me has got to look fabulous every day. I know! I’ll wear my yellow tube top with my short white skirt. That’ll make all the boys drool. Now shoes…Shoes… Shoes… Which should I wear today?

“Gee-Gee, I need your help. What shoes should I wear?”

Gee-Gee hopped out of bed and, cute as a button, ran to my closet and walked along my long row of shoes. He stopped at my yellow pumps.

“Good choice! You never fail me,” I smiled, and picking him up, I kissed his wittle-noisy.

Then I set him down and slipped my dainty, hot pink toes into the adorable heels. I exited my closet and walked to my white vanity. I picked up my hairbrush and brushed my long, silky-soft, blond hair. I smiled at my reflection. I did my make up and walked down stairs, carefully so as to not slip on the carpet.

“Good morning, Mommy,” I smiled at my mother, who was at the table drinking her morning coffee.

“Where’s Daddy?”

“He had to leave early. Something went wrong with the golf carts,” Mother said, not looking up from the news paper.

“Oh,” I said. Oh well, I’ll see him later.

“Well, I guess I’m off to school!” and after grabbing a banana I walked to my car parked outside in the drive way.
My beautiful, pink convertible had already been started and was just waiting for me with my Gucci purse already in the passenger’s seat. Perfect! He did it again, I thought, and then thought of our butler, John.

Pressing my yellow pump on the gas pedal, I backed out away from my three story house and into the street.

I could already tell that today was going to be just perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, so this is a lot different from my other stories.

tell me what you think and i'll update later today.

~jordin n.