Punks Don't Wear Prada


10:21 pm.


I let a mangled sob escape me; my eyes released hot, angry tears. So many questions ran through my head.

What was happening to my family?

Would they get a divorce?

Does my mom love me?

How could my father do that?!

The fact that Josh dumped me was completely forgotten; the dark clothes now felt like they described how I felt, and not a drunken bet. The bet was by far the stupidest thing I'd ever done; and, following through with it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever done.
Why did I do it? I asked myself.

Was it really a call for help? No.

Was it to spice up my ordinary life? No.

It was something new; something that would really get people talking: "Oh my God, did you see Danielle today?! She can totally pull off anything! [/i}" I'd get even more attention then I already do.

Would my parents be fighting right now if I didn't enter the living room?

Would Josh still be my boyfriend? I knew the answer to that one. Of course.
And I'd stil be on the cheerleading team. I'd still get along with everyone in my group, not just Emma. Emma would love me no matter what I looked like, or who I hung out with.
I'm really lucky to have Emma. Wow. I've never thought that before. What's happening to me?!

I was startled out of my thoughts by a large truck pulling into the park's parking lot.
It was silver; I knew that truck from anywhere.
In fact, I remember making out once or twice in that very same truck.

And, sure enough, shortly after the headlights went off, I saw two dark figures approuching the swings. I huddled deeper in the tunnel slide; glad I chose a good hiding spot. I could see them, but they couldn't see me. The shorter figure hopped onto a swing, while the taller figure started to laugh in a deep, male voice. He began to push her, swinging her higher and higher until she screamed with laughter. I couldn't take my eyes away; it was so odd to see this - the vary-same thing that he would do with me- right before my eyes. It was like a dream, watching those two. A dream where I was on the swing - but I wasn't. The type of dream where you'd wake up, ice cold but sweating profusely.
The girl jumped off the swing, landing a few feet away from Him. Still laughing, she shakily stood up and ran to him; throwing her legs around his hips. Their lips met, and they laid on the ground; I imagined their kiss getting deeper with every second.

He was Josh, while She was Emma.

I felt oddly calm about this.
The old me would've ran out of the warm, comfy slide and slap both of them before bursting into tears.
But the new me just calmly crawled out, unoticed by the two people fiercly kissing, and walked home.

And I knew, I just knew, that I'd changed.

And it was for the best.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, i know i said no updates until friday, but i just realized that friday's halloween. lol oops.

what do you think?
comment me.

~jordin n.

this chapter goes out to 'huh?' simply because i love her nickname.
i don't even know if she reads this, but oh well.