Punks Don't Wear Prada


Twelve o' Clock.

Back of the school.

I was eating my lunch, all by myself.
My peanut butter sandwich tasted bland.
I tossed it back into my lunch sack.

I sighed deeply and leaned my head against the side of the building.

I heard light footsteps behind me; I turned to find none-other than Jared.

"Hey," he said in his deep voice.

"Hey," I replied. I closed my eyes.

"Nice shirt," he joked, then squatted down next to me.

"Thanks," I smiled with my eyes closed.
I didn't have to see him to know that he was smiling too.

"So." He declared.


"...You've really changed. I'm impressed."

"I didn't do it to impress you."

"No. But, even so..." He let his words drift.

He started again, "I heard about your friend."

"What do you mean 'my friend'?" I opened my eyes and turned to him. His bangs half covered his eyes, which were glowing in the bright sunlight. For the first time, I actually noticed what he looked like. He had a cute, round nose with light freckles sprinkled on his pale face.

"She was your friend, right?" He looked slightly confused. He looked even cuter then when he was smiling.

"...Well, yeah, but... Don't you know her? I mean, you live with her." I mirrored his confusion.

"No, I don't!" he laughed, thinking I was joking.

"Huh? Didn't you say that you were going to your room when you made me eggs?"

"Well, yeah, and I did," He didn't know where this conversation was heading.

"Jared! We were at Emma's house!" I shrieked, half laughing, half annoyed.

"We were? Oh yeah! We were!" he cried in mirth.

"Are you telling me that you don't know her, yet you live with her?!"

"I guess." He shrugged, laughing.

"How do you not know here?!" I still didn't find this situation funny.

"My mom's their maid," He admitted, slightly embarressed.

"Wow, really? So you guys like, live in their basement?"

"Kind of. We live in their attic." He started to fiddle with my shoelace, both of us smiling.
We started to talk about the rumors he heard about my transformation.

"Dude! Did you see Danielle Fillips? She totally changed, just because Josh dumped her," he mocked.

"Well, I heard that she was sent to jail because she lied about being eighteen, just so she could get her boob job.Josh had to bail her out. He was so pissed that he broke up with her," I provided.

We both collapsed into laughter. ISuddenly I felt the tears coming again. His smile turned to a frown of concern; he began to pat my back. rested my head on his shoulder, letting the tears fall.

"You know, Josh dumped me," I told him.

"Yeah, I heard," he whispered quietly in my ear.

"My father's cheating on my mother," This caused me to shake.

"My best friend made out with my ex." I sobbed harder than before. He wrapped his hand around my shoulders and rested his head on mine.

"It's okay," he soothed, "You'll be fine." He repeated this over and over.

Quite faintly, we heard the school bell ring.

Time to go back to the real world.
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i have twenty-four comments.

that's awesome.

increase, please?

~jordin n.