Punks Don't Wear Prada



One O' Clock.

"So, like, how long have you known?" I asked my mother.
We were sitting down at the kitchen table drinking tea.
My mother and I hadn't talked like this for years.

"I've suspected him of cheating for a few months now, and two weeks ago confirmed my suspicisions." She seemed fairly calm about this. Maybe she's changed a bit, too.

"...What exactly was it that...'confirmed' it?"

"Well, he had been acting pretty distant for...for awhile. When I... The other day-" She burst into tears.

"Danielle, don't ever let a man walk all over you. Promise me you won't!" She said through her tears. She grasped my shoulders and shook me while looking desperetly at my face.

"I -I promise," I said feebily , and she dropped her hands.
I tried to pat one confortingly; I felt odd from showing that much affection and ceased the patting after a few seconds. My mother just glanced at me gratefully before covering her face with a tissue.

"Owe!" She cried, yanking it away. She had rubbed it on her eyes; the tissue was the kind with lotion in it.

"I'm a mess." She exclaimed, and smiled sheepishly.
I didn't say anything; we just sat and looked at each other in silence.

"You know... one of my worst fears is that you'll choose your father over me." She sighed, and began scooping some sugar into her tea.

I didn't reply.

"...You would, wouldn't you?" Her eyes flickered to me for a second.

"...No. No, I wouldn't. I'd choose you."

Her lips turned up; her first geniune smile aimed at me since...since a long time ago.

And I?

I smiled back.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm eating licorice right now.

i'm not really enjoying it; partially because i don't chew it small enough and partially because it hurts my jaw.

this chapter goes out to CasualObserver just because she's awesome and
i owe her one. (or five.)

i want a lot of people to read it so she'll feel the presure to convert it to a story.

~jordin n.