Punks Don't Wear Prada


After talking on the phone with Emma, I ran upstairs to get ready.

"Guess what GeeGee?"
GeeGee poked his head up and cocked an ear.

"No, silly! Emma and I are friends again!"
He stared blankly at me.

"Yeah, I know I said she was an evil, spoiled bitch but we've been friends since second grade. How could I drop someone so close to me like that?"
He yipped.

"That's right! I can't! So here's the problem: do I act like Josh and I never went out? Or do I confront her so as to prevent her from kissing a future boyfriend?" I held out my right hand to represent ignoring and my left hand to represent confronting. GeeGee hopped onto my bed and licked my right hand.
"Ignoring it is," I declared, and scratched him behind his ear.
I scooped him up and then went to the closet.

I threw a soft white tanktop and some nice jeans on the bed.
Not too punk yet not too preppy.
Actually it was neither of those if you think about it.
Just average.
I stripped off my clothes and took a shower; while waiting to dry off I sat down at my vanity in only a towel and started to apply make up.

I almost poked myself in the eye when someone knocked on my door.
Thinking it was my mother I just hollered, "Come in!"

The door slowly opened.
I stood up to walk to my closet before I realized who it was.

"Momma, do you think I should wear this shirt instead of that one? I don't want to have labels stamped all over my clothes, but I do like this shirt better," I held up an aeropostale baby tank with angel wings faded on the back.

"Mom?" A deep voice replied.
I spun around so fast that my towel almost came off.

Sitting on my bed was none other then a darkly dressed Jared.
♠ ♠ ♠
omg saturday i went with a friend to get my eyebrows waxed. the lady razored them instead of waxing, and charged me eight bucks.
today i looked in the mirror and they're already sprouting!
urgh i was so po'ed.

~jordin n.

oh yeah, like the new banner? that's how i imagine jared to look, only without snakebites.
this chapter goes out to Crisp.Breath.Sight.
her stories are pretty cool -check them out here.

thanks 'This Is An Inrage' for showing me how to do links!