Punks Don't Wear Prada


"Oh my God, what are you doing in here?!"I hissed, and snapped the sliding closet door shut.

"Your mom let me in!" I could see his cheeks turning bright red through the textured door.
He had hopped off my bed so fast that he tripped to the ground. He was sprawled out, and he stayed there, looking like he broke his leg.

"Why?" I screeched.

"I don't know, maybe because I knocked on your door?" He said sarcastically. He wasn't used to me being mean.


"Why what?"

"Why did you knock on my door!?"
He rolled to his back, straightening his leg.

"To see if you wanted to.. hang I guess," He sat up and shrugged.

"I can't. I'm going to the mall with my friend who happens to live two floors down from you."
I felt a little bad now. It's not his fault my mom didn't hear the shower running.

"Oh," He said casually. I could hear the slightest hint of disappointment.

"...Would you like to come with us?" I slid the door open a crack.

"Uh, well, I've got to check the calander, -you know, got to make sure I've -um- got time," he yanked back his sleeve and stared at his watch for a few seconds.
"Yep, I"ve got time," He nodded.

"Fantastic. Could you toss me the clothes that you squashed?" I pushed the door more so now it was four inches open.

"Yeah, Sure," He looked a little embarressed and almost tripped again. He grasped a bedpole to steady himself before tossing me the jeans and top.

"Thanks," I said, and laughed to see his face blushing again when he tossed me some panties and a bra.
He smirked and joined me in my laughter. I hastily got dressed before bursting out of the closet.

"Was that something new to you?" I asked, sitting on my bed to tye my shoe.

"Was what new?" He was sitting in my computer chair, staring at all of my photos. Photos of me cheerleading, photos of me smiling as a baby, photos of me and Emma, photos of my mom and dad smiling.

"Seeing a girl... how do I put this? Naked?" He turned to me hastily.

"You weren't naked!" He broke our gaze.
I giggled. Usually I was the one uncomfortable in situations like this.

"Well, pretty much I was," I only continued to attempt at making him blush again.

"No. No, it wasn't something.. new." He spun around in sickining circles before suddenly stopping.

"I lied. It was new."

"Really?" My brows flew up. he laughed before nodding.
That was so weird! All the guys that I had hung around with hadn't been virgins since ninth grade!

I told him this and he shrugged it off.
"I'm waiting," He informed me.

"Me too."

"...For marriage?" He asked, hesitantly.

"Well, not exactly. I'm waiting until I can make a rational decision. I want my partner to be..."

"Mature?" He finished.

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dude! I lost two subscribers!!

has my story gotten lame or something?!!