Punks Don't Wear Prada


The next day at school Jared introduced me to all of his friends.
There was Alex, a quiet, dark haired girl with one blue eye and one brown,
Damian, a tall, greasy-haired boy, Ben, a sweet southern blond boy who was dressed in light, holey jeans and some Etnies shoes, and there was Maxi, Damian's girlfriend, plus a short, slightly feminine boy named Mitchy. They all ate lunch at a picnic table outside instead of inside. Jared had shyly held my hand while introducing me, and Maxi exclaimed, "Awww, are you two an... item now?"

Jared blushed and shrugged in reply. He glanced down, looking at me with the same question in his eyes. I looked up at him and nodded my head, smiling like a fool.

"So is this the real reason why you 'Geeked' yourself?" Maxi continued, reminding me slightly of Jane the Hot Topic worker.

"No... I was... just ready for change is all.." I lied, shamefully. I didn't feel like explaining the drunken deal I made... hopefully they would never find out.

"Well, whatever the reason, you will always be welcome with us," Ben said, smiling and opening his arms as if to deminstrate his welcome.
They all nodded in agreement, Mitchie a little timidly and blushing almost as red as his hair.
He reminded me of someone, but I'm not sure who...

There conversation went from Harry Potter's latest movie trailer to Rock Band 2.
I was slightly excluded from this conversation; I didn't mind, though. It was just comforting to actually be around people since last Monday.
It's so odd how much my life has changed within the space of one week.
My parents have decided to get a divorce; we arranged that I'd live with my mom for two weeks and my dad for one week. He seemed slightly offended that I'd rather stay with mom, but I still couldn't forgive him for cheating.

I haven't said anything to Josh, and I sure as hell don't plan on it.

Emma and I didn't end up hanging out Saturday, and she didn't answer any of
my calls or texts on Sunday.

Jared and I spent the rest of Saturday cleaning up his dad's house and on Sunday I applied
for a job at the mall as a Starbucks girl.
I haven't heard back, but the lady who took my resume claimed that they were desperate and willing to take anyone.
I spent the rest of the day in the back of Hot Topic watching some freaky movies that Jane convinced me to watch. Let's just say I watched half before nearly gorging out my eyes and peering around the couch for headless zombies every five seconds.

"Danielle? What do you say?" Jared inturupted my thoughts.

"Uh, sorry, I wasn't listening," I admitted. Maxi scoffed and recieved glares from Jared and Ben.

"Do you want to play rock band with us after school?" Jared repeated slowly.

I laughed before saying, "I don't know. I've never played before. I wouldn't want you guys to laugh at me."

"We wouldn't laugh," Ben said, and everyone nodded.

"Yeah, Mitchie sucks but we still let him play," Maxi stated.
Mitchie blushed and started to fiddle with a loose string on his shirt.

"Be nice," Damian said, and she replied by starting a very graphic makeout session.

"Eck. Can't you guys save it for the bedroom?" Alex asked, looking up for the first time from her drawings.

As a response Maxi stuck out her tongue and Damian took that move for himself.

Jared glanced at me hopefully but I picked up my sandwich and took a massive bite.

"Well, alright I guess." I said with my mouth full.
Ben laughed a little too loudly and Alex looked at him questionly.
Then the bell rang and we despersed to our classes.
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dude i just reread this entire story, and i think later after i finish this i'll go back and re-write the first five or so chapters.

i'm thinking about ending this story around chapter twenty-four... what do you think?
and what should i start on after this?

suggestions are welcome,

~jordin n.

this chapter goes to 'MelodyRADKE.'

banners, please?
i'd take anything :D