Punks Don't Wear Prada


Twelve O’ Clock.

Walking as quickly as my pumps permitted, I burst through the double doors of the cafeteria and practically ran to Josh. He was sitting with our normal posse: Jess with his girlfriend and my best friend, Emma; John and John’s girlfriend Angela who happens to be Jess’ sister; Mindy, captain of the cheerleading squad; Britany, Josh’s sister; and me, beautiful me, homecoming queen and girlfriend to the hottest lacrosse player. Ever.
And did I mention co-captain for the cheerleading squad?
I tapped Josh on the shoulder. He turned to me and I covered his mouth with a kiss; I could feel him smiling under my lips and I pulled away giggling.
“And hello to you, too!” he laughed playfully.
“Scoot!” I said, and squeezed myself between Josh and Jess. Josh turned to me again but I dodged his grinning face.
“Are we still up for shopping?” Emma asked me, trying to prevent us from flirting.
Trying to ignore Josh’s lips and still giggling a little, I said, “Of course! We can’t miss the major shoe sale!” Josh gave up and sighed.
“You girls are always shopping!” he whined. I threw a chip at him.
“You boys are always playing lacrosse,” I replied, and all the girls nodded in agreement.
To answer this Josh crashed his lips onto mine, and that’s basically how the rest of lunch went.
When I got home after a long shopping session with Emma, Mindy, Angela, and Britany, I was tired.
Mother and Daddy were at the supper table; I slid into my seat after putting away my many bags. Spinach salad, dressing on the side –my favorite! I quickly bit into a leaf. Gee-Gee came running and hopped into my lap. My mom stared at him; She ‘affectionately’ refers to him as ‘the fur ball’.
“So Precious, how was school?” My father asked me, and smiled proudly when I announced that I received an A+ on my science test. His dream for me is to go to college and major in chemistry.
After supper, I took Gee-Gee up to my room and headed to the shower.
Then I crawled into bed and fell into a deep, wonderfully perfect sleep, egerally anticipating another wonderful and utterly perfect day.


Twelve o’ clock am.
Emma’s House.

After a good two hours’ make out session, Josh and I emerged for a breath of air.
“I’m going to go get some drinks!” I shouted over the music and loud party guests.
“Okay! I’ll be here!” He shouted back, and plopped back down onto the couch.
“Emma!” I called after emerging into the large, stainless steal kitchen, “Can I get a drink!”

“You don’t have to shout in here. And yes, you know where they are,” Emma laughed.

I walked over to the fridge and got a bottle of water. For Josh I got a coke.

“What? No beer?” Emma asked; she’s obviously had a few.

“Ha ha, well, you know me,” I shrugged, “I’m about as much of a drinker as your pet rock in the second grade.”

“Party pooper!”

“Emma. I’m not having any!”

“Fine, fine. You wanna play a game?”

“Okay,” I agreed, "Got any in mind?"

"Actually, yes! Truth or dare! Go get everyone! tell them -Danielle, you tell them...tell 'em: Party in the bathroom! And-an' you get free cupcakes!"
I burst into laughter.
She was a fun drunk.

"Alright," I agreed again, "But I'm leaving out the 'party in the bathroom' thing. Oh, and you didn't buy any cupcakes," I added.

"Alright! You're so smart, Danielle!"

"I know," I smirked.

Five minutes later.

"Okay. Okay, I'm -okay- I'm going to dare....... MAGGIE!" Emma hollered and pointed at a slightly scared red head with pasty white skin.

"...Okay..." She said in a timid voice.

"I DARE YOU TO LICK MY BLANKET!" Emma hollered and presented a fuzzy orange blanket to the also orange and now slightly red Meggie.

"What?" She asked dumbly.

"She said she dares you to lick the blanket," I repeated for her, just in case she didn't hear correctly.

" I heard her! {/i]" She snapped.

"DO IT!" Emma hollered.

"Fine, fine."
Meggie scooted closer to Emma and hesitently extended her tongue.

"And, you have to lick it for longer than five minutes!" Emma giggled.


"Thirty seconds," I offered.

"Thirty seconds!" Emma shouted.

Josh and I exchanged a faces.

Meggie sighed and lightly slid her tongue over the blanket. Emma started to count, "One....TWO-THREE...four... twenty-nine, fifteen, THIRTY! You're done," Emma said, giggling.

"Thank God!" Meggie quickly hurried to Emma's bed and plopped back down and peeled orange fuzz off of her tongue.

"My turn," Maggie said, grinning evily at Emma.
But, instead of turning to Emma, she turned to Jess.

"I dare you to french Angela."

"What?! She's my freaking sister! he cried.

"I know," she was still wearing her evil grin.

"Well, too bad. And you didn't even ask me 'truth or dare," he added.

"Sorry, no can do. Besides, everyone knows this game is basically dare or dare."

"Here, here!" Emma cried.

"You're not helping!" Jess yelled at Emma. She just giggled.

"Why do you always have to get drunk?" He asked her.

"Because it's fun! We should all get drunk! You guys need to loosen up some!"

"Are you going to do my dare or not?! Meggie demanded.
Glancing at his sister, Jess sighed and nodded 'yes'.

"Good. You have to french. Oh, and it has to last forty-five seconds," She stated.

"Wait! Let me go get something!" Emma cried and dodged out of the room.
She returned three minutes later with three twelve-packs of beer.

"Everyone should have one -everyone should have ten! she cried and passed them out.
I accepted mine, deciding that nothing bad could happen... Right?

After everyone downed two, the mood lightened considerably.

"Okay, now it's time for the kiss," Meggie commanded.
Josh stood up and so did Angela.
They stepped toward each other.

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe we're doing this!" Angela cried.

"Ha, what do you think Mom would say?" Josh asked, and then bowed his head while his sister looked up.
Their lips met; Meggie stood up to make sure all rules were being followed.

"This is disgusting," I said, and looked away.

"Very," Josh said.

"Hey, wait! That's my boyfriend, you skank!" Emma said, and jumped up.

"forty-three...forty-four...............forty-five," Meggie counted, and jumped in truimph.

"That was absolutely horrible! Angela cried, and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"Where'd you learn how to kiss like that?! Who taught you?" Jess demanded, becoming protective of his baby sister.

"None of your business!"

"I do believe it is! I'm going to tell Mom!"

"Tell her what, that you found out I'm a great kisser after being dared to make out with me at a party with -God forbid- beer?!" Angela cried, throwing her arms into the air.

Jess just shrugged and accepted the beer Emma offered.


Three hours later.

"And, and, and.... oh! And, you have to get a piercing, too!" Meggie cried, and giggled uncontrolably.

"Ha ha! That's a great idea!" I cried, and threw my face into one of Emma's orange pillows, trying to subside my uncontrolable laughter.

"WAIT! How can we be sure that you'll do all this?" Angela asked, eyebrows raised.

"We'll write a contract!" Josh provided.

"Yeah! A contact!" Emma agreed.

"No, dummie, a contract," Josh said, and started to lick Emma's cheek.

"GROSS!" Emma cried, giggling.

Meggie grabbed a pen and a piece of paper off of Emma's desk.
She frevently wrote for ten minutes, scratching out and re-writing; when she was finished she passed it around the circle.
Everyone owed and awed over it; I was last to recieve it.
(Stupidly) I snatched the pen from Meggie and signed it without even looking.
She had filled out a slot for everyone to sign, giving them the technical title of 'witnesses'.

Then the contract was pinned to Emma's wall and we all goofed off, made out, and tickled.

The contract, you ask?

I, Danielle Leigh Fillips, swear to become 'punk', nowadays known as 'scene' or 'emo', to include: Dying my hair, piercing at least one extreme body part, and anything else that 'scene' or 'emo' people do for two weeks. If I fail, my pink convertable goes to Meggie Anna Maxelle. If I succed, Meggie's whole wardrobe goes to me, to include belts, shoes, bags, and all clothing items.

Danielle Leigh Fillips

Joshua Fox Jones

Josh Adam Borne

Meggie Anna Maxelle

Emma Jane van Wilder

Mindy Lynn Wiliams

Britany Shay Brong

Angela Roxanne Borne
♠ ♠ ♠
so what do you think?

~jordin n.

i've never gotten drunk before or been to a party that extreme, so if i didn't exaggerated it up a bit, sorry.