Punks Don't Wear Prada



Band Practice

"Okay, Mitchie, that was good, but try not to look so weak. Jared, stop giving Dani goo-goo eyes. The whole world already knows you go out. Dani, try to move around more," Ben sat at the drums instructing us and totally oblivious to maxi making fun of him from the couch.

We all just nodded and continued to do as before.

"Are you nervous?" Alex asked me from the couch.

"A little," I admitted, "Why? Can you tell?"

"Just a bit," she smiled knowingly.
"Do you know how many singers this 'band' has gone through?"

"A lot?" I guessed.

"Five." She held up one hand to emphisis.

"Wow, so I'm their fifth choice?" I laughed nervously.

"Yeah." She didn't note my slight tone of discomfort. Then she went back to her book.

"Okay guys, practice, practice, practice! Today's our last day for screw-ups so get them all out before tomorrow." Ben put down the drumsticks and picked up his phone to order pizza.

"Thank God that's over with," I sighed, and giggled when Mitchie tripped over the cable cord.
He glanced up from the ground and winked directly at me, causing me to laugh harder.

"Your either going to stay short or grow really tall," Jared said, glancing at Mitchie's big feet.

"That's what my mom says," He admitted, not taking his eyes off of me. I was starting to feel a little weird now.

"Hey Mitch, let's go to my house and get some cd's," Damien said, standing up and stretching. Mitchie didn't look too happy but nodded in agreement.

They left and so did Alex who complained that the music was going to be too loud. Maxi left with her and said she'd just meet the other boys at Damien's house.

That left Ben, Jared and I sitting awkwardly on the couch.
Jared put his arm around me and scooted closer, looking excited and daring.
Ben though, was on the other side of me and stared openly at us.

"I'm going to go get some drinks," I unwound myself from Jared and stood up, heading for the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and spotted a two liter of sprite.

"Where are the cups?" I called into the living room.

"I'll show her," Ben said to Jared.

"They're in the cupboard above the toaster," he pointed.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," Jared said from the living room.

"Kay, thanks," I smiled at Ben and set three glasses on the counter.
He smiled back and slid in front of me, leaning on the counter.

I laughed and said, "Excuse me, but you're in my way."
he laughed to before saying, "But don't you want me to be?"

My brow furried. "No, of course not," I walked back to the fridge and pulled out a juice box.

"Can I have this?"

"You can have anything you want." he shrugged, smiling.

"Do you like Jared?" He changed the subject.

"Of course! Why do you ask?!" I laughed.

"I don't know. Most girls are scared of him."

"Why are they scared?"

"He's too deep for them."

"Well he's not too deep for me!" Where was he heading with this conversation?

Ben smirked. "So you think, but just wait. He's going to start getting clingy and you'll be wishing you listened." With that he left the room, leaving me confused and intruged.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, i decided that since i started this, i really should finish it.
i'm sorry that it's been a while but omg this past week has been crazy. i'll post a journal entry so look for it and give me advice!

this chapter goes out to everyone because you're all fricken' cool ;]

~jordin n.