Punks Don't Wear Prada


Emma's house.

Ten am.

I groggily sat up; my head protested and was pounding fiercly.

"God. What time is it?" I asked, looking around me.
Emma was lying on her bed; Mindy, Britany, and Angela all were lying next to me.
Meggie was sleeping in Emma's orange computer chair; her mouth was hanging open.
I have to admit: I was sorely tempted to stuff the blanket into her mouth.
The boys must've left in the night; I hope they didn't try to drive.
Knowing Josh, though, I bet they did.

"I said, what time is it?" I threw the pillow I was using at Emma.
She let out a small snore and turned over, facing the wall.

"Great," I sighed, and attempted to stand up.

My head started to pound so hard I could hear my eardrums beating; I ignored it and headed downstairs.
In the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water and I rummaged around her cupboards until I found some asprin.
I took six and slid myself onto a bar stool at the highly glossy, marble counter island.

I finally gave into my pounding head and rested it in my arms on the counter.
I was never going to drink again.
I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, someone with dark hair and a black shirt was poking my ribs.
"S'not funny," I muttered.

"I'm not trying to be," a voice said.

"It's a rat trying to eat the ice cream," I slewed, and dug my head deeper into my arms.

"Wake up! Unless you don't mind me sitting on you," the voice said.

I sat up so fast that I would've fallen out of the chair if the arms hadn't caught me.

"You're really nice," I said, smiling goofily.

"How many asprin did you take?" The voice asked.

"Only like.. ten I think," I giggled. What was wrong with me?

" Ten?!"

"Wait... maybe only two. No! I had fourteen."

" How much asprin did you take?!" the voice demanded.


"Six?! You took six fucking asprins? You're lucky I found you, otherwise you could've fallen into a comma!"

"Don't cuss! It's so... They're so... So...so......." My eyes slid shut.

"Wake up!" The voice said, and slapped my face. My eyes fluttered open. I caught a glimpse of really dark blue eyes.

"DON"T YELL AT ME!" I screamed.

"I'm not yelling!"

"I'm fine. I just want to go home," I cried, and felt tears coming.
God! What was wrong with me?! I'm being totally, like, stupid!

"What's your name?" The voice asked, softer.

"I'm Emma. NO! I'm Danielle," I said in a strangled voice.

"It's okay; You're going to be fine," a hand patted me lightly on the back.

"How do you know?" I sniffed, tears pooring out of my eyes, "I've never felt like this before! Usually I feel like I'm on top of the world! Everyonelooks up to me; Everyonewants to be me!" I explained.

"Well, I don't want to be you..."

"No, but I bet you want to do me," I smirked, and jabbed him in the chest.

"No, I don't. I don't even know you," He replied calmly.

"Ah-huh, sure. So what's your name?"


"OKay, I'm going to call you blue."

"No, you're not. You're going to call me: Jared," He laughed.

"Take me to the couch."

"No, you'll fall asleep."

"FINE! Cook me some food."

"Alright," He admitted, "That's what I came down here for."

He led me back to the bar stool.

"Just sit here and watch me," he bossed me, but I for once listened.
While he stood at the stove frying eggs, I stared out the window.
Then I stared at him.
He had longish, dark hair and amazingly dark blue eyes. He was really tall and very skinny. He had on a black shirt that read 'acdc' (Whoever that is) and green and black pajama pants. His arms looked kind of toned, and his skin was kind of pale.
For some crazy reason, I felt a little attracted to him... even though he's the total opposite of Josh. Josh is blond and has gorgeous dark brown eyes; an odd combination. His skin was always deeply tanned from practices and he would've never be seen with pajamas on.
I wondered how Josh would react to this situation.
Did he know how to cook?
Would he even be down here -or would he be too hung over to care?
I sighed and pushed these thoughts out of my mind.

"Are you almost done?" I whined.

"Almost," He said hastily, trying to flip an egg.

"I'm starving," My belly growled.

"I know,"

Jared walked over to the dishwasher and pulled out two plates, two forks, two cups, and two knives.
He placed bacon, eggs, and toast on the plate, and garnished the eggs with cheese and parsley.
He poured orange juice into the cups, then set my plate and cup in front of me.

"Thanks a bunch!" I cried, and stuffed my mouth with food.

"You're welcome," and he carried his plate and cup to the door.

"Where are you going?!" I cried, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Upstairs, to my room."
He left.

To his room?



Dan- ielle!?"

Emma was hollering for me from upstairs.
I was sitting on her couch, waiting for all the food to digest.

"It's about time you lazy girls got up!" I cried, and walked up to her room.
Meggie was the only one still sleeping.

"Yeah," Emma said, but she was staring over my shoulder, her eyes darting back and forth as if reading.

"What?" I asked, glancing at all the other girls.

"What?!" I repeated, and spun around.

My eyes fell onto a sheet of paper tacked to Emma's wall; it sported eight signatures.

Including mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, i'm going to try something new.
no updates until i get at least two comments.
i mean, come on, guys! Of my twenty-two readers, only one of you bothered to take thirty seconds (if even) to type a comment!

...not all comments have to be nice... but it would help ;)

~jordin n.