Punks Don't Wear Prada

author's note.

Author's note: Hello, mibba readers. I know that that authors' notes go at the bottom of the story, and yes, i do know that there's even a little box to put the beloved author's note.
But, before we get into that, let me tell you about a little story called: jordin stayed up for two hours typing a particularly long chapter.

In which a girl named jordin *@#$ &$&@#$&( stayed up until two o' clock in the morning trying to update her story. when she was (surprisingly) satisfied with her story, she clicked the "submit" button. she was bitterly disappointed when that button lead her to a 'login' page. turns out, she took too long typing her story, and mibba automatically logged her out.

The end.
♠ ♠ ♠
so you can blame it all on mibba for the lack of a (particularly long) update and instead of getting another chapter, you got this horrible, heart-wrenching story.

hopefully mibba didn't sign me out this time for not taking enough time to write.

~jordin n.