Punks Don't Wear Prada


Food Court.

I scanned the booths, searching for Josh's blond head.
He was sitting next to a brown one -Emma's.

I rushed over there, and amazed at my speed in the new converse.
Without anyone's notice, I slid into the booth, across from Emma and next to Mindy.

I lowered my head so my dark hair covered my face.
Then I waited.

It was a full five minutes' talk of last week's football game before anyone noticed me.

"Um...Can I help you?" Mindy asked in a loud, snotty voice. I couldn't see her face through my hair, but I imagined her eyes bugging out.
I shrugged in reply, my eyes still cast on the grimmy table.

"Well, if you don't need anything, than why are you over here?" She demanded.
I felt Josh's eyes on me.
But, instead of sticking up for me, he too asked, "Yeah, why?" His voice was harsh.
I was appalled. I always thought Josh was sweet and kind to everyone, not just me.
I could hear Emma slurping on her coffee drink. She didn't say anything; she didn't stand up for me.

I plastered a fake grin on my face before exposing my burning face.

"Oh. My. God." Emma exclaimed; she was the first to see my face fully.

"What?!" Josh asked, alarmed. I turned to him.

"Danielle?!" He shrieked, his mouth in a large 'o'.

I laughed sheepishly. "Yes?"

"What the fuck did you do?!" Mindy cried, catching my profile.

"You look hot!" Emma cried over Mindy.
I just shrugged and my face burned redder.

Josh just stared.

Maybe I went a little too far....
♠ ♠ ♠
this was just a filler.
and so was last chapter.

fact: danielle leigh fillips lives in Butts, New York.


that's a lot of laughing.

~jordin n.


this chapter it for AnnaGraceIs...Witty
just because she's awesome and she eats fish cakes :D
go check out her stories.

oh, and i'll reply to all my comments later.
sorry guys!