‹ Prequel: Me Verses Every Guy

It Could Be The Last Time


Brian continued to watch TV and he heard Sam's quiet breathing beside him. Brian was currently sitting up on the couch, while she laid next to him, asleep. She was buried underneath a big navy blue blanket as the wind blew fiercely outside. He heard the beeping noises from the front, signaling that someone had opened the front door.

"How's it going?" Jimmy asked as he sat down on the couch with Leana.

"Alright, what about you guys?" Brian wonders as he looked over at the couple.

"We're good," Leana nodded, "how has she been holding up?"

Brian smiled softly as he looked down at Sam. "Okay, I guess, she's been sleeping a lot. It's been about a week and she's still so tired. I don't even know if it's normal."

"Maybe you should see a doctor," Jimmy suggested.

"We went earlier today," Brian said.

"What's wrong with her? What does she have?" Leana questioned.

"Insomnia," Brian answered. "It's basically when you beyond stressed out, and you just can't get sleep. She's on some medication, but the doctor said it was only a mild case. But there's still a twenty five percent chance she'll be depressed when she's in her forty's' or so."

"Wow," Jimmy mumbled.

Never in all of Brian's live, has he ever felt this guilty before. All he could think of to do was to try and watch over her like she was going to watch over him.

"We'll leave you guys alone," Leana said as she nudged Jimmy. "Bye, Brian."

Brian waved to Jimmy and Leana as they left the living room. It wasn't long before they were out the door. "I thought they'd never leave," Sam mumbled again Brian's lap.

"How long were you up?" He asked, as he began to stroke her hair.

"The part when you told Jimmy that there was something wrong with me," Sam yawned as she sat up.

Brian held out his arms, so Sam crawled onto his lap. She rested her head on his left shoulder as he pulled the blanket over the two of them. She lifted her head, then pressed her lips to his cheeks.

"What was that for?" He asked as he rubbed her back.

"For taking care of me," she mumbled. "I thought you would of left me at home because I was boring since I only slept. I didn't expect you to set up a doctors appointment for me or anything," she admitted.

"That's what I'm here for," he smiled.

Sam climbed off of Brian's lap, then stretched. She scratched her head as she walked into Brian's kitchen. She had bought over her tea kettle since he didn't have one. She grabbed it and filled it up with cold water before she put it on the stove. She grabbed a cup for herself, and a packet of hot chocolate. She leaned against the counter as she waited for the water to boil.

She looked outside the window and saw how insane the wind was. The neighbor's tree looked as if it was about to fall over. She turned her head away from the window and saw Brian right in front of her face, making her jump.

"Sorry," Brian smiled. "Just wondering where you disappeared to."

"Well you found me," she mumbled sarcastically. "Did you get that refill for your medicine today?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yes I did, I have to pick it up later tonight," he replied.

The whistle noise from the tea kettle went off. Brian pulled away from Sam before he turned the fire off. He put the hot chocolate mix in the cup, then poured the hot water in.

"Thank you," Sam said.

"Your welcome," Brian smiled.

He handed Sam the cup of hot chocolate. She blew on the hot beverage before she took a sip of it. "I talked to my Mom the other day."

"What did she say?"

Sam put down her drink on the counter and looked at Brian. "She just wanted to know how I was doing. She wanted to see you again, too. She wanted to talk to you during David's funeral, but she was busy."

"It be good to see her again," Brian nodded. "Sure, ask her when and we'll go over."

"Thanks, again," she smiled.

Sam leaned forward to kiss Brian on the lips, but he only turned his head away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it's so short. More "drama" coming soon.
Like, maybe seven or eight comments till I update again?
I know more then three people read.