Deadly Emo Killers

Chapter 1

A 13 year-old boy was walking to Pete's, his friens house when Justin, a fat kid on his bus, came up to him. "What do you want LARD-O," Criss asked. Justin started to make fun of him. Criss reached into his pocket and pulled out a switch blade. He said "Say one more word and I'll slit up your throat!" As Justin ran away crying, he fell down and began to roll.
Criss was so mad, he began to cut himself. When he got to his friends house, he got his bandages. When he was done, they talked about how to kill Justin. They decided to get Criss's sister to have him to the old, 'haunted' house. Then she would slit his wrists & leave him there to do. To keep him from screaming, they stuffed his sock in his mouth and put his underwear over it.
They would set it up as if their mean bus driver did it. When they completed the plan, Justin's mom came to Pete's house. "Pete, do you know where Justin is?" his mom asked. Pete told her that he met up with Kendra and went to te 'haunted' house. Kendra left him to pick up Criss.
Justin's mom went to the house and found him dead. She called 911 and the cops arrested the bus driver. The three teens relized that they just got away with a murder. They decided to become a murder pack. They all left a sucide note for their parents so they couldn't be suspects for their murders. After they 'commited sucide', they went to find a place to live. All three of them brought cash, clothes, food, and murder supplies.
When they found an empty house, they decided to change their look. They all got their hair black and short. When they got back, they made a list of who to kill. "We should get Taylor," suggested Kendra. "What about Josh, Malike, Steven, and Tyler?" asked Pete. Criss wrote all five names down. "Lets take a break and figure out how to get some money. Our stack won't last very long." Criss said.
"I could tutor and do kids homework, I had all A's remember." Pete offered, "And Kendra's old enough to get a job. When do you turn 16?" "Tomorrow," Kendra answered. "Oh yeah, sorry we made you 'kill' yourself." said Pete. "That's okay Pete. Actually, this is the best present ever." said Kendra.
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Marie and Keri [;