Deadly Emo Killers

Chapter 2

"Guy's lets refocus. I'll go to the libary and print out flyers for stuff like dog walking and mowing lawns." said Criss. "Okay, now we have to change our names. I'll be Alex." Kendra said. "I'll be Electrax." said Criss. "I'll be Sam." Pete decided. Electrax (Kendra) said, "We need to have a new last name, too. How about Widget for me and Alex. Sam could be Depp." Sam (Pete) and Alex (Criss) both agreed to their new names.
"Now we need to have something that's common with all of our murders like that Zodiac dude," Alex explained. "And we need a name" "Why dont we do what we did to Justin," said Electrax, "We could call us the Emo Killers." "That's perfect! We'll cut people's wrist, like Emo people do, and leave them there to die. We could leave a note to tell the public about the Emo Killers," said Sam. "And we need a symbol"
"What about our star?" Electrax asked, "Plus, people won't know it's us because we're 'dead'." "Let's not get carried away. Let's stay on the DL for three more days. Then we could strike." said Alex.

Three days later, they went for Tyler. Tyler was the kid on their bus who always tried to get them in trouble. He also, ruined a project for Criss (Alex) and caused him to fail that class. This was their plan: They would get Electrax to befriend him. Then, she would take him to a place where there's a dark ally. Sam and Alex would blind him and slit his throat. Last, they would leave the note. Electrax finally got Tyler in the ally after three weeks. Alex came out first to keep watch. Sam came out and blinded T yler. Electrax pulled out her switch blade and slit his throat. Right before they left, Alex left the note. Soon after, the police found Tyler and the note. This is what is said:

We have killed Tyler. There's no way to stop us. Don't even try to catch us or there'll be more.

-Emo Killers.
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