Deadly Emo Killers

Chapter 4 (Next Year)

"Ugh, we are killing so slow. We have only killed Justin, Tyler, Malike, and Taylor in the last three months or year! Our 'to kill' list gets longer than our 'killed' list. Our 'killed' list has 4 people while our 'to kill' list has 13 on it. Read me the names of the 'to kill list'," Alex demanded.
"Well," Electrics said, "There's Josh, Steven, Ashley, Vanessa, Ali, Tiffany, Nolan, and Hannah. Don't get worked up. We're suppose to kill 5 per month if we wanted to. You get worked up too easily." "No I don't! You don't know me!" Alex protested.
Electrics responded, "There you go again. I should know you because you're my brother. Just because you're dating a 19 year-old that doesn't mean that you're older than me. You're just a 14 year-old, I'm 3 years oder than you." Alex is screaming, "You're the one dating someone who's 3 years younger than you. On top of that, he's been my best friend, ever since we were 3 years-old. So don't bring age differences in to this." Sam and Lexi (Patrice) had to calm Alex and Electrics down. "It doesn't matter who's dating who," said Sam, "Let's just refocus on what we're here for. We're here to kill people we hate. Now Lexi, how much money are you making?"
Lexi answered, "I'm making about 1500 a week. We have enough money to last us for a long time." "Great! Let's figure out who to kill this month. How about Josh, Ali, Tiffany, and Kevin?" Sam offered.
"Perfect!" said Lexi, "Those are the people you two hate the most!" "FINE!" Alex and Electrics said at the same time. They decided to do it quick.
Then they were done with the 5 kids, Alex was happy. "So, who is on the 'killed' and 'to kill' list?" Alex questioned. Lexi answered, "There's Josh, Ali, Drew, Tiffany, Kevin, Justin, Taylor, Tyler, and Malike on the 'killed' list. On the 'to kill' list there's Steven, Matthew, Megan, Nolan, Caroline, Seth, Ashley, Vanessa, Hannah, and Micheal"
"We need more people to kill. Like Crystal, Darius, Zack, and Lauren." said Sam.
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