
ch. 10

Deccan ran until he could no longer take it anymore. He stopped at the edge of a lake his fist met a the ground in utter frustration.
I should not be thinking this. I shouldn’t be wondering how she feels, if he is being good to her if she would rather it be … me. Ahhh he pounded the ground again. The trees shook mocking him. Swaying from side to side. But one did not sway like all the others.

Deccan stood up and let his fist fall to his sides. He sniffed the air and only smelt the rich soil, the fresh scent of the trees after a long rain. Deccan smiled.

“ Cynthia- you can step forward.” Deccan sighed.

Cynthia appeared from the trees, “ Master Deccan may I be so frank and ask you a question?” Deccan nodded. “ How did you know I was here?”

“ Cynthia you messed up. Don’t get me wrong if you had swayed with the trees I wouldn’t have known. But what really tipped your hand was the smell of rain- it hasn’t rained here all week.” Deccan motioned for her to come closer.
Cynthia stepped forward her dark brown hair blending into the trees and her ivory skin shinning in the moonlight, she kept her eyes down. “ Master Nathan will be upset with me that I was discovered.”

Deccan circled her thinking. “ Nathan sent you to follow me?”

Cynthia nodded. Deccan let out a sigh. “ well go ahead read me.” She looked at him confused. “ Read me- it’s what you were sent to do. Do it.”

She placed her hands on his chest and closed her eyes. In an instant she opened them and gasped. She started shaking her head back and forth.

Deccan grabbed her wrist, “ What? What do I feel?”

Cynthia stumbled out, “ It’s not you Master- it’s well… your soul. Your soul loves her. Destined too.”

Deccan let go of Cynthia’s wrist and mentally cursed. Deccan and Daryl were not like other vampires. They were born of a mortal mother but fathered by a vampire. Their mother of course had died and had been little more than a vessel. But the downside to the extra power was the fact that they were both born with a soul. In some it helped add to the blackness- humanity always had the darker side. But in rare occasions it swayed others to goodness and light. Deccan had always been more compassionate then others but kept his “human side” in check.

Cynthia watched Deccan curse and became still. Deccan finally turned to her. “ We need to get back to the castle. Your Master will no doubt want to hear about this and I’d rather tell him myself. Grab my hand it will be faster then traveling through the elements.” She grabbed his hand and they disappeared into the nether.

Back at the castle Daryl had left Abby’s asleep on the bed and went to shower. He let the hot water flow down his chest as he smiled at what had just happened.
Abby heard Daryl leave the room and pretended to be asleep. She felt a strange numbing feeling throughout her body – after glow she giggled. Her stomach growled louder.

“ I’m hungry” she said out loud. “ Holy shit I just spoke out loud! The binding spell is broken!” she jumped up on the bed.

Daryl stepped out of the shower in nothing but a towel tied around his waist. “ Did you just speak?”

Abby shook her head. Maybe if I pretend he’ll believe me.

Daryl walked across the room and smacked her to send her flying on the bed. “ Do not lie to me.”
Abby “ son of a bean dip mother frito! That HURT!” she yelled.

Daryl smiled, “ So you did manage to break the spell. That is unfortunate, I’ll speak to Deccan about recasting it.” He walked back to the bathroom.

“ Hey I’m hungry!” Abby yelled at him.
“ So go get some food, in the servants courters. But-“ he turned around and stared at her. “ If you try and escape I will hunt you down and drain every single drop of blood from your body. You will feel it and it will last for days until you are begging for death.”
Abby gulped and nodded. She went to find some clothes to put on and settled on a long shirt of Daryl’s and pants. She brushed her hair back with her fingers and opened the door knob.
“ Here I go.” She whispered.