
ch. 11

Abby stepped into the long dark hall, flamers flickered on the sides providing little or no light. Abby tried to remember which way Gabe had brought her from, she sighed and decided to turn left.
Door passed her on her left and right. Some plain and unordinary, others though were painted odd colors. One in particular was painted a bright red. Abby stopped in front of it wondering if she should go in. Her hand lingered above the door knob, her heart pounding.

“ I wouldn’t do that,” a voice whispered from behind her.
Abby swiftly turned around to find herself starring at a beautiful little girl. Her hair was black and long, her eyes empty pools of darkness. Abby had a sinking feeling that this little girl was another vampire. Abby darted her eyes to the ground.
“ Sorry.” She mumbled.
The little girl skipped around her, her arms swinging back and forth. Her lips pressed in a tight smile. “ You’re Daryl’s new pet right, Delaney?”
Abby nodded and tried not to frown at her new name. “ Yes”
The little girl grabbed Abby’s hand and pulled her down to her level, “ It’s yes mistress little one.”
Abby glared at the child holding her down with force that she should not have. “ Didn’t your parents teach you to respect your elders and those taller than you?” Abby snapped before she knew what she was saying.
The little girls dark eyes flashed, “ I have been 9 years old for the past 200 years and I taught my parents the last thing they ever learned in this world.”
Abby gulped. “And what was that?”
The little girl smiled, “Pain.”
Abby felt her arm break under the girls grip. She screamed out loud in agony. “ Next time learn some manners.” The little girl tossed Abby aside like a used toy and skipped down the hall.
Abby cradled her arm crying. She sat against leaning against the red door wanting the pain to fade.
* * * * *

Deccan and Cynthia arrived at the castle in a matter of seconds. They also appeared in front of the red door that Abby was leaning against. Deccan felt his stomach tightened at the very sight of her.
Abby looked up crying and saw Deccan and Cynthia standing before her. She whipped her eyes and moved to stand.
Deccan looked down at Abby’s arm and scowled. “ Did Daryl break your arm?”
Abby sniffled, “ No some little bitch did.”
Deccan’s eyes bulged out of his head, “ Who lifted the binding spell?!”
Abby rubbed her broken arm and cringed, “ No one . I broke it while Daryl and I were….” Abby paused. “ I just broke it.” She looked down her face flushing.
Deccan tried to control himself, “ Was the little girl – and mind you other can hear what you say in this hall way never refer to a vampire as a ‘bitch’ – small with long black hair?”
Abby just nodded thinking that girl was a little bitch for snapping my arm.
Deccan sighed, “ So you met Windy. I’d avoid her until you can learn how to …address other. And what are you doing out in the halls alone?”
“ I’m hungry so Master Daryl sent me to go find myself some food. But I got lost and well ran into Mistress Windy.” Abby replied through clenched teeth. Mistress and Master were going to get old. But one broken arm was enough for the day.
Deccan mentally cursed. “ Cynthia take Ab- Delaney to the servants chambers to be fed and find a mage to heal her arm.” Deccan paused and wondered if he should reactivate the binding spell on her voice. He look at her directly. “ If I leave the spell off are you just going to get injured more?”
Abby couldn’t help but surpress a smile, “ I’ll do my best not to – Master – Deccan.”
Deccan felt his heart give a flutter when she said his name. He had to get the situation under control. He raised his hand to shoe them off. When they were out of sight He turned to the door opposite of the red door, Nathan’s chambers, and walked in.