
Ch. 12

Deccan walked through the door to find Nathan in front of the fire place, reading a book. He glanced up to show Deccan that he knew that he was there but quickly glanced back down to whatever he was reading. Several moments passed before he finally stood up to face Deccan.
“Can I help you with something Deccan?” he questioned his smile smug on his face. He knew that this had something to do with Daryl’s new acquisition.
Deccan let out a sigh and sat down in front of Nathan. “You know what this is about.” He paused searching for the right words. His face blank of any emotions as he looked up. “Why did you send Cynthia to follow me?” his eyes showed the slightest hint of annoyance.
Nathan paced in a small line. Cynthia was suppose to go unnoticed, her been discovered held a few annoyances but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. He spread his hands in a gesture of you caught me. “I was concerned for you. You seemed… strangely attached.” Nathan searched Deccan’s face for any signs of recognition to this.
Deccan nodded. “Your pet read me.”
Nathan put on his best apologetic face he could muster, “And?”
Deccan stood up and sighed, he walked over to the fireplace and looked into the embers. The orange red glow flicked as he debated on what to tell Nathan. He would find out from Cynthia either way. Deccan turned around and faced his long time friend, “Apparently my soul is destined to love her- does love- will love her… I was never good with prophecies.” He joked.
“Your soul loves her?” he answered shocked. He had expected some form of jealously towards Daryl, sibling rivalry not love-especially not Deccan’s soul.
Deccan nodded slowly, “ I don’t know what I am going to do. This is a conflict that I had not for seen ever happening in the coven with Daryl.”
“ Maybe it is best if you were to buy Daryl a new pet.” Nathan suggested lightly.
“ And what should become of Delaney?” Deccan thought out loud as he remembered her chestnut curls, her sparkling eyes and her wonderful headstrong defiance that he so admired in her.
“Resold to another coven or killed I would presume. She can’t stay here. You would be too… emotionally connected.” Nathan said frankly.
Deccan snarled, his teeth exposed and his anger flaunting. “ Resold? Killed?!” Deccan hit the wall in frustration. He knew that Nathan was just trying to be helpful but the thought of Abby being killed or sold into another coven where she would be used for food or as a sex slave boiled his blood.
Nathan let Deccan calm down before he spoke. “ Can you think of any other solution? The longer she stays here the more your soul will overpower you and cloud your better judgment. You will of course have to replace her for Daryl. I am sure he will not like this but he will see reason as you will.”
Deccan glanced at Nathan. “ You intend to inform the entire coven of this …situation?”
“ I have to, you know that Deccan. You’re human soul being brought out by a slave – a slave that can be replaced, is something that must be brought up to the council. I am sorry my brother.” Nathan walked over to Deccan and placed his hand on his shoulder.
“ When will you inform them?”
“ At the next meeting, two days from now. That will give you time to come up with an alternative matter and speak with Daryl. But in two days time Deccan, the coven will decide the fate of the girl.” He spoke softly and walked away leaving Deccan to his thoughts.
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