
Ch. 13

Cynthia and Abby walked down the hall, Abby cradling her arms that was in searing pain. It took all of her strength not to curse out loud. She stood walking on one of the stairs and took a deep breath.
“I got to take a break,” she panted. “Aren’t you like some magical creature? Heal it please.”
“I don’t have the powers to heal; I only have the ability to read auras.” Cynthia said sympathetically. She looked Abby up and down and smiled, “But you are a half mage, clearly you have some power or the binding spell would be still intact. Why don’t you heal it?”
Abby snorted, “ the only reason I was able to break it was because I was immense… feeling.” She trailed off blushing.
Cynthia gave a wicked smile and grabbed Abby’s broken arms and squeezed it. Abby screamed out and pain and fell to the ground crying. “What the hell are you doing? Stop! Stop! Oh – my – god – please-stop!” She yelled.
“Concentrate, you are in extreme pain now. Fix it.” Cynthia snapped at her, if the girl was going to learn how to survive then she’d better learn her strengths.

Abby felt like she was going to pass out in pain. “ Let go of my arm now!” She felt Cynthia’s grip tighten and her arm felt as though a thousand knifes were slicing through it. She felt a strange warm feeling building in her and sear to her finger tips. She just figured it was more pain, or adrenaline rushing throughout her body.
A spark escaped from her tip and shocked Cynthia, sending her flying. Abby saw the spark and concentrated, she felt beads of sweat falling down her face. Come on , come on, heal . Heal. She felt her bones snap back in to place. The pain of them snapping back was overwhelming, worse than having them broken. She felt all her energy go at the second the spark went out. She fainted on the floor.
Cynthia walked over to Abby lying on the floor and gaped at her open mouthed. The girl was only a half mage and clearly didn’t know how to control her powers but damn! She had powers. She had potential. Cynthia scooped Abby up in her strong arms and continued to the servants courters. Abby would be famished when she woke up. All of the power takes energy out of a person.
Cynthia placed Abby on a cot in the servants courters and went to find some food before Abby would awaken.
* * * *
Daryl buttoned up a shirt and put on some black jeans and headed down stairs. His long hair tied in a pony tail behind him. He sensed his brother calling out to him and he headed to find him. He was not surprised to find him in Nathan’s chambers.
“ Deccan, you called?” he questioned curiously.

Deccan was pacing back and forth in front of the fire place. His face slack with confusion. He looked up at Daryl then glanced back down and continued to pace some more.

“ Brother what is it?” Daryl walked over confused. He had never seen Deccan so worried or anxious before. His brother was the calm , compassionate one who always thought things through. Daryl placed his hands on his brothers shoulders, “ What?”
Deccan let out a breath and sighed. “ How much was Delaney?”

Daryl laughed hitting his brother on the side, “ I knew you wanted a girl just like her. Pretty isn’t she? Wonderful in bed too.”

Deccan tightened his jaw. “ How much was she?”

“ About 400 magic trades so roughly …$25,000 dollars – American. Why?” Daryl wondered.

“ I owe you $25,000.” He sighed.

Daryl shoved his brother, “ You killed her?! Deccan” he growled.

Deccan let his brother force him up against the wall, Daryl was holding Deccan in the air by his shirt. “ I didn’t kill her, she’s with Cynthia. “

“ then why do you owe me her price?” he growled again.

“ Because she has to leave the castle or be killed.” He sighed and looked Daryl in the eyes. “ Cynthia read me today. Apparently my soul… my soul loves her or will love her… she can’t stay.”

Daryl shoved away from Deccan and cursed. “ Are you serious? You love her?”

Deccan growled, “ No my soul does. Big difference.”

Daryl laughed as he thought of something. “ Fine. You owe me $25,000 or a new pet. No big deal. But “ he paused and gave his brother a wicked smile. “ You get to kill her.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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