
Ch. 14

Deccan stared at his brother in disbelief, his mouth gaped open wide and a low growl escaped from his throat. “you want me to kill her? Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what kind of torment that would leave me in?” he snarled.

Daryl only smirked, “Yes and that is precisely the reason I want you to do it. Maybe it will ripe this whole soul issue right out of your body.”

Deccan charged his brother and slammed him against the wall. “You would see me in pain?” He searched his brother’s face for sympathy.

Daryl shoved Deccan off of him and laughed, “ It would only be pain for a decade or two and just think of the possibilities! You could end up removing your soul. Isn’t that a good thing?” he shook his head back and forth laughing. His brother was always too compassionate and this time he was going to hurt himself. Which was fine by Daryl, it made Deccan weaker and him the stronger.

Deccan sighed and shrugged his shoulders, “ Let me debate over this.”

Daryl nodded, “ I’m guessing Nathan knows of the situation since Cynthia read you?”

Deccan nodded in response starring at the wall, anger seething through him. “ well since I am going to need a new pet soon hand over the cash you owe me and you can play with her until it’s decided upon what to do with her.”

Deccan looked up, “ You can take the money out of the safe. I trust you after all and if you take more I know where you sleep.” He finished off squinting his eyes. “ You are going to the slave market then?”

“ Yeah, if you are going to be all lovey-dovey with my pet then I need a new one. Besides don’t get me wrong she was amazing in bed, but I like my women to know what they are doing. I like them a little experienced.”

Deccan just nodded. “ So … she’s mine?”

“ Yeah, I’ll be back tomorrow. I’m going to head to the slave markets, fish around for a good one. Oh and brother,” he paused and looked him directly in the eye. “ don’t let her cloud your decisions. Don’t make my choice to let you play with your food before you kill it come back to bite me. Understand.” Daryl warned.

“ You can trust me Daryl.” Deccan replied.

And with that Daryl walked out of Nathan’s chambers and was on his way to the slave markets. Deccan went out to go find Abby.
* * * * * * *

Abby woke up famished, her whole body sore and aching. Worse then waking up in the dungeon, worse than when Daryl smacked her. Her whole body was shaking with pain. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She felt someone place a cup in front of her.

“ Drink this” a voice offered.

She found the cup and swallowed this liquid. It wasn’t water but it tasted like sea salt and honey mixed together. It burnt her mouth but warmed her - the instant it touched her lips. She stopped shaking and felt her body slowly numbing. She opened her eyes to Nathan standing in front of her. She quickly lowered her eyes.

“ Cynthia bring me the food.” Nathan said softly.

“ master I can take care of her, you shouldn’t have to be here in the servants chambers.” Cynthia offered bowing her head.

“ It is fine Cynthia, I wish to speak with Delaney.” Nathan took the food and handed it to her.

“ Must everyone call me that name?” Abby asked softly. “ I mean no disrespect, it just is confusing Master Nathan.” She took a bite of the warm bread. She looked down at her plate and saw a large piece of pork. Normally she would avoid eating most meats but it looked so good and her body needed the energy. She took a huge bite out of the meat.

“ I see you were hungry.” Nathan chuckled. “ And as for the name, yes that is your new name in this coven. For now.”
Abby looked at him confused, “ For now?”

“ Finish your food and then we shall talk.”

Abby nodded and continued to devour her food. She finished the entire loaf of bread, the meat and the fresh green beans. She poured the odd liquid down her throat and immediately felt better.

“ May I ask what the liquid is?” Abby asked politely.

Nathan smiled, “ it is a healing liquid mixed with many nutrients to help the drinker be restored to full health.”

“ Oh, handy.” Abby looked down at the shimmer liquid. “ You wanted to speak with me?”
Nathan nodded, “ There are some complications with you being here Delaney. And I believe it would be best for everyone if you were to be resold.”

Abby’s face went slack. “ I’m sorry about Mistress Windy and my bluntness. I can be better – really I can.” Abby rambled. Even though she was in immense pain and hurt, she at least was starting to get to know the other slaves here. That old saying popped in her head, trust the devil you know.

Nathan sighed, “ It is not up to me but the coven. I was just informed that you are to now reside with Master Deccan until the decision is made.” Against all better judgment he thought.

Abby looked confused, “ master Deccan?”

The was a slight cough from the other side of the room, Deccan stepped forward. “ Yes, you are to be my pet until the coven reaches its decision as to what they intend to do with you.”

Abby stood up, “ Why? What did I do wrong?” she asked confused. “ I mean yeah I know I have a mouth but that was just what? One slip up. And I can do magic! Isn’t that what everyone wants here?”

Nathan stood up besides her, “ You can do magic?” Deccan stepped forward as well. “ When and what did you do?”

Abby gulped, “ I broke the binding spell with Master Daryl. And then when Mistress Windy broke my arm Cynthia grabbed it to provoke me into healing it myself. But…” she paused and glanced at Cynthia. “ I ended up sending her flying across the hall and then I focused long enough to heal myself before I passed out.”

Deccan’s eyes flashed, “ This changes things immensely Nathan.”

Nathan nodded sad. “ Maybe you won’t be resold after all Delaney.”

Abby looked confused. “ Why? What does me being able to use magic change anything? And what does it change to?” She rambled wondering if she just got herself in more trouble.

Deccan looked at her sympathetically, “ It means that you’ll be handed over to Kayla and Marilyn to produce your powers to the max before they strip them from you.”

Abby’s face drained of all blood. She remembered the conversation at the dinner table about how Kayla thought pets were expendable. And how Nathan had handed over Cynthia to Marilyn to see how she would develop. Abby found Cynthia’s face and it too had twisted into a painful memory.

“ When?” was the only word Abby could muster.

Deccan stepped forward and placed his hands on both of her shoulders, “ After the coven decides. Everything must be weighed in. The coven will meet in two days when everyone is back. Until then you are to remain with me. Understand?”

Abby simply nodded. The weight of everything was crushing down on her.
♠ ♠ ♠
As always please comment on how you like the story so far. And message me if you have any questions.
Stay wicked