
Ch. 15

Abby sat there barley breathing letting the weight of what they had told her sink in. Everything seemed to be spinning. Maybe being resold sounded better after all. She envisioned what Kayla and Marilyn had in plan for her. Abby started to dry heave.
Cynthia and Nathan left the servants quarters to allow Deccan time to explain what would happen. Cynthia shot Abby a look of sympathy on her way leaving. She touched her wrist slightly, a pink deep scar laced up and down her arm ending at her wrist. A scar from Marilyn.
Abby heard a strange noise coming from the room. And who was shaking the floor? Where was the sound coming from. Then she realized it was coming from her. She blinked back tears, “ What will they do to me?”
Deccan shifted his gaze down and held her hands. “ it all depends on what power you have or haven’t developed… and…” he paused gritting his teeth. “ It depends on what mood the girls are in.”
Abby stopped shaking and squeezed Deccan’s hand. “ I can’t do this Master Deccan… they’ll kill me.” She said her voice strained.
Deccan lifted her up and traveled through the ether to his room. Her opened his eyes to see Marilyn sitting on his bed. He grasped Abby tight. “ Marilyn now isn’t a good time.” He said through gritted teeth.
Marilyn swayed her hips and paid no attention to Abby in his arms, “You owe me dessert.” She purred
“ Get out” Deccan hissed. His eyes squinted
Marilyn shoved Deccan sending him and Abby back a step, she elbowed him as she stomped out the door. Deccan sighed and rolled his eyes. He’d never be rid of her. He set Abby down on his bed.
She looked up at him, her face gone of any emotion. “ She’ll use me to get to you. She’ll torture me and say it’s a way to bring out my power…she’ll drag out my death, you know it.” Abby said her voice monotonous and her eyes empty as she stared through Deccan.
Deccan sighed and paced back and forth. “ What would you have me do?”
Abby looked at him dead in the eye, “ Kill me.”
Deccan stopped pacing and gaped at her. His mouth wide open and his eyes in shock. “ What?” he whispered.
She stood up and walked to him, moving her hair to her back exposing my neck. “ Please… it’ll be less painful.”
Deccan watched her as she stood in front of him, her throat exposed, her vein pounding with adrenaline, her wide eyes scared but sure. “ You want me to kill you?” he said his voice breaking.
She merely nodded and laced her arms around his waist as she exposed her neck to the fullest. She felt him lean down, his breath raising the hairs on her neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
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