
Ch. 16

Deccan could smell her fear as he leaned down, his fangs brushed her neck and she jumped. But still she stood as still as possible, holding her breath. He could feel her heart pacing, making her veins pound underneath his fangs. He had the strongest desire to open them and taste how sweet she really was.

Abby felt him just standing there, not doing anything. But she could feel the slightest pressure from his fangs, “ Please make it quick.” She whispered.

She felt a sharp sting as his fangs pierced into her neck, followed by the euphoric sense of being drawn from.

Deccan let her blood roll over his tongue. It was the finest he had ever tasted, it was so sweet like dessert wine. And it had a twinge of power to it, like she wasn’t completely human. He tasted something dark and powerful.

Is it almost over… a small voice echoed

I don’t want to kill you Abby- I don’t have it in me.

Why not? I am sure you’ve killed hundreds of times, how am I any different?

You just are…

And with that the bond broke as he stopped feeding from her, He hadn’t realized how much he had taken, Abby was swaying from side to side. Drained and drowsy. He scooped her up and placed her on his bed. He did not like the fact that she was still in Daryl’s shirt and debated on removing it or not.

He looked down at her, her face flushed from the bloodletting, her curls sprawled over the pillow, her legs lips pressed tight in her unconsciousness. And wearing Daryl’s shirt. Deccan’s brows furrowed in frustration.

She was his now after all… if he wanted to remove the shirt he could… she was his now. Deccan leaned over her and slowly began to unbutton the shirt, one button at a time. For some reason he felt like a nervous teenage virgin. With each button coming undone he became more nervous. Until finally he had the shirt off and she was lying there in nothing but jeans. Deccan noticed a small birth mark on her right hip bone, it was in the shape of a wing. A tattoo maybe? He leaned down more to get a better look.

Abby stirred and opened her eyes. “ What the hell!” she yelped. Deccan had removed her top and from what it looked like, he was about to go for her pants as well. “ I said kill me- not rape me! Pervert!” she kicked him.

Her blow landed awkward and had no effect on him but he continued to stare at her birthmark. She grabbed the shirt and placed it over her top, trying to cover herself up. “ What?” she asked curiously, Deccan kept starring at her in bewilderment.

Deccan shook his head and let it go. It was probably nothing more than a birthmark. Though it seemed shaped in the form of an Angel. But Abby was clearly human and there was no remote change of her being half since Angels couldn’t have children, them being sexless and all. So he just shook his head and put it out of his mind. He looked again at Abby sitting there trying to cover herself up and coughed.

“ I decided not to kill you.”

“ Well I can see that since I am still here. What now?”

Deccan shrugged, he honestly did not have the faintest idea of what to do. “ You have two options really. Be resold or go through the test with Marilyn.”

Abby starred at him in disbelief, “ So you are basically sentencing me to death, you are just to coward to do it yourself.” She snapped.

She stood up and stomped over to the bathroom to clean off the blood on her neck. Deccan followed behind her, “ It’s not death to stay! She won’t kill you.”

“ Ha! No that would be too easy, she’ll just make me wish I dead and torture me.” She laughed darkly.

Deccan sighed, she was right. In the end she was doomed.