
Ch. 17

Abby leaned against the tub edge contemplating what to do. She had never before thought of ways to kill herself but between a fast and easy death verses Marilyn and Kayla she would die by her own hand first. She looked at Deccan standing in the doorway.

“ Can I help you –Master- Deccan?” she chocked out with the sweetest smile on her face. If he was not going to help me she thought she would treat him just like any other vampire- her enemy.

Deccan frowned at her tone, “ No there isn’t not at the moment. But when you are done in the tub I would like you to stay here in my bed chamber for the night.”

Abby felt her eyes go a little wide. Though she was liking the idea of getting closer to Deccan she did not want to become that close again. Especially after she had just had sex with his brother! But she nodded and returned to cleaning herself. The blood was caked on her neck and took a few scrubs to come off. The areas where Deccan and Daryl had bitten her were sensitive and sore. She wondered if she could make them heal perfectly.

She concentrated on the feeling of pain that they were giving her. She felt a tingle in her arms, as if she had fallen asleep on them. She opened her eyes and touched the areas. Nothing it still hurt. She sighed and grabbed a towel to dry off on. She noticed sitting by the towel was a long shirt and underwear. Gabe or Deccan must have left them there for her. She placed them on, the shirt reached her knees. Oddly modest considering what Daryl had had her wear.

She stepped out of the bathroom to find Deccan reading in his bed. This also felt odd to her, he seemed so human at times. So compassionate but at others times he reminded her too much of Daryl. Was it because they were brothers? Or simply vampires? Was his being nice to her a way to just get her to let her guard down so that she would be more easily broken? She did not know as she stepped towards the bed.

Deccan looked up from his book that he was reading to see her watching him. The shirt that had been laid out for her covered her completely, which was his intention. He did not want to see any of the bruises she still might have. Her curly hair was wet but was beginning to curl and frame her face. Her eyes were a cloudy green and her lips were pressed in confusion.
Deccan waved his hand for her to come closer as he set the book down. “ You are to sleep here in my bed chamber until it is decided on what the coven is to do with you. And if you are to stay with the coven you will stay in my bed chamber then as well.”
Abby looked at him in the eyes, “ Why Master Deccan?”

Deccan smiled a little, “ You aren’t suppose to ask why you are just suppose to do it. But the reason is because I do not want the other vampires trying to push your powers out of you before it is decided . And I want to keep my eye on you to see how far you develop.”
Abby nodded and looked down at the bed. It was king size bed plenty of room but she looked back up at him. “ Am I to sleep in your bed with you, Master Deccan?”

He felt his smile growing bigger and stopped. She was pulling at his soul, he could feel his heart happy at the thought of her sleeping with him. Of her body molded to his own. O f waking up to her scent clinging to him. He shook his head. “ No I will have a bed made for you in this room. But for now, you will sleep in the bed with me. Only for tonight. “

Abby nodded and moved to the other side of the bed. She curled up in a ball her knees against her chest and a pillow underneath her head. She felt herself drift into unconsciousness. If he wants to talk to me he can wake me up she thought before she fell asleep.

Deccan watched her calmly go to bed as if a vampire were not five feet away from her. He felt her breathing change and saw her brow wrinkle in frustration. He spent the next hours watching her sleep. The way her mouth opened to the side, the way her eyes fluttered still when she said something in her sleep. And he watched her toss and turn in fear, she was having a nightmare.

He moved closer to her and debated wither or not to pick her up. And in the end he moved her to him . Her head rested against his stomach and his arms held her. He felt her stop thrashing and cling to him in her sleep. He felt his heart swell with joy at the thought that she felt that she was safe in his hands. He pet her long curly hair as he drifted into sleep with her on him.

But in the shadows of the window Marilyn watched with jealousy. As Deccan showed this pet, this nothing more affection then he had to her in the last century. She would make the mongrel pay.
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Okay! Sorry that it took so long for this update. Life has been rather fast paced over here in my world. I took a break for a while hoping to get some new ideas then life said " hey YOU! We're gonna throw you a monkey wrench. Catch!" sooo... yeah.

Anyways. Heres the update. hope you like it!